• FreakinSteve@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Yeah, to US libs it’s always Putin and never the thousands of radical fascist talk show hosts on AM radio or the Salem Media Group beaming out of NYC. That’s because liberals voted for the 1996 Telecommunications Act that gave corporations the power to buy up all the media outlets and push that shit. When you point that out, they try to play the “marketplace of ideas” card…that liberal/leftist shows would be there instead if they made money. They just dont know who they’re dealing with, and they never learn.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I think their double standard on media manipulation is derived from them being absolutelly fine with some people mass-manipulating others but not with other people doing it, which if you think about it is another aspect of the same kind of take that Trumpist muppets have: such an such should be done to “them”, but when it’s being done to “us” it shouldn’t happen.

      People whose thinking is based on Principles and who at least try to not be tribalist, tend conclude that it’s the act itself - the manipulation - that is the morally and ethically wrong thing quite independently of who are the perpetrators or the victims.

      The funny thing specifically with US libs is that it’s exactly the turning of their media into Propaganda Outlets, which they themselves supported and used, that sewed the fields for the harvest that Trump is harvesting: it destroyed people’s confidence in the traditional media opening the path for manipulation via social media and for the kind of populism that Trump uses - “strong man” saying whatever he thinks people want to hear quite independently of it being true or not, in a very assured way and using everyday language (even rufian language) which massivelly contrasts with the style of deceit prefered by liberals.