Recent reports have highlighted how Roblox has failed to protect children.

    4 months ago

    If I’m whoever is in charge of Roblox, I’d have shut down Roblox’s ability to grant users access without being 18+, or having parents permission. I’d have done that years ago, when the first reports were coming out about how Roblox is a nesting ground for pedophiles. That was like 10+ years ago.

    The fact that it’s STILL an issue would suggest either they haven’t taken proper restrictions, or that they haven’t shifted responsibility to the parents to monitor their childrens activity.

    My 13 year old niece LOVES minecraft. My sister and brother in law will check in from time to time, and make sure everything’s safe. When she was 6 years old, she couldn’t even play minecraft online. Not even with me. With the logic being that if she can play with me, there’s a chance others could hack their way into the game. I’m 40, they’re 50, and to me it doesn’t seem like that’s possible. But they don’t understand video games at all. I’d rather they lay on the side of caution for things they don’t understand.

    For example, I don’t understand Roblox. The game was already known as a pedophile playground before my niece was even allowed to play video games. So I’ve never played it, and neither has she. I’d rather that be true, than her getting the wrong kind of attention online. She’s a smart 13 year old, but she is still…ya know…a teenager. And therefore a dumbass. I’d never say that to her, as I don’t mean anything insulting by it, but all teenagers are going to be dumbasses. There’s some things you should let them be dumbasses about, fail, and learn, and then there’s other things that they need to be protected from as legitimate dangers. Such as sexual preditors.

    The fact that Roblox is still dealing with problems they had in 2012, tells me they don’t care. So maybe they should be killed off.