This jokes dumb, it should be they’re the only ones who don’t have to be trained to bark at the poor.
I can train my non poodle dog to bark at the poor, she barks at me already and I’m poor.
they can be trained to bark at specifically poor people, all other breeds are class conscious enough to refuse such discrimination.
Saint bernards however have to be trained not to bark at rich people, as they are socialists by nature.
My last dog used to bark at black people because regionally, the population was almost entirely pale-skinmed people and it was two years before he saw a person with dark skin. It was so embarassing.when it happened.
Edit: I should add he wasn’t aggressive, he was just very “What the fuck?!” and on alert. But would soon let them pat him and he’d realise it was all cool. Fortunately people were understanding and found it funny. But still very embarrassing.
Found Hank Hill’s Lemmy account
My wife’s dog barks at black people because she had a black neighbor who would intentionally scare her every time he saw her when she was a puppy.
That’s why they’re the least fun characters on Bluey
Poodles are great, at least the standards are. Can’t vouch for the smaller varieties.
Bichamp frise or however you spell them are awful. Every one that I’ve met are the dog equivalent of full-blown trump supporters
i suspect they’re the kind of breed basically only owned by terrible people, like how chihuahuas tend to be neurotic because they’re treated as toys and decorations and thus never trained.
I’ve never met a bichon, but they do have a rascally look about them. Small dogs rarely delight me.