But aren’t the plugins also basically part of the electron app after installing? But I have no idea how electron, vscode and their plugins acrually work.
Not really. there’s VSCode itself, and then there’s the extensions on top of it. But my main point was how vscode wasn’t designed to be an IDE, just a customizable code editor. Like neovim or emacs, you could customize it to the point of being similar to an IDE, but they’re still not considered IDEs.
I don’t think it really matters, but the implication you can write a whole IDE in electron is just insane.
It is pretty pedantic, i agree. I don’t want to start an argument about something as pointless as this, though.
But aren’t the plugins also basically part of the electron app after installing? But I have no idea how electron, vscode and their plugins acrually work.
Not really. there’s VSCode itself, and then there’s the extensions on top of it. But my main point was how vscode wasn’t designed to be an IDE, just a customizable code editor. Like neovim or emacs, you could customize it to the point of being similar to an IDE, but they’re still not considered IDEs.
So if I ship a version of vscode with a few extensions pre installed I can call it an ide?
Integrated you mean? Into the development environment? 😉
Fuck, you got me there.