(I wanted to to say “too lifelike” but was too lazy to make one so this’ll do:-)
Works for me.
Answer part 2, where Beverly also says “I surely don’t know what you could possibly be… ah… tal… uh… could you maybe come back later?”
I want to experience joy like that, just once in my life.
A genie pops up and says “wish granted”. At that moment you notice a ghost in the corner. He smiles and begins to approach you…
Thus begins the best moments of the rest of your (natural) life.
Is it a tribble or a toupee?
Just out of frame:
That’s giving too much credit to Zuck’s dad.
I don’t think bursting out of somebody’s chest counts as a birth.
shortly after this photo, he embarked upon a lifetime of petty larceny, public defecation and beagle molestation
I don’t know, it doesn’t have a penis so inverted that it bends gravity around it. Zuckerberg had to have surgery to correct that when he was 12.