The evidence was shaky enough that they didn’t charge him with it, but did talk about it in court to make him look like a scary and dangerous man who needed to be locked away for life.
from what I vaguely remember, the order was sent from the admin account that was originally his account, but the account was managed by three different people at different times, including the FBI guy that stole the bitcoin… I think?
not a supporter here but familiar with some of the lore behind it. but i do think he was absolutely being made an example of. but yeah the Dread Pirate Roberts name was passed through a number of hands, hence the reference to Princess Bride. not sure if he had access to it at that point or was just on a different admin account
Didn’t this dude try to have someone assassinated because they were bad for business or some other petty shit?
The evidence was shaky enough that they didn’t charge him with it, but did talk about it in court to make him look like a scary and dangerous man who needed to be locked away for life.
p sus imo.
from what I vaguely remember, the order was sent from the admin account that was originally his account, but the account was managed by three different people at different times, including the FBI guy that stole the bitcoin… I think?
So it’s not really clear if it actually was him.
that’s what his supporters claim anyway
not a supporter here but familiar with some of the lore behind it. but i do think he was absolutely being made an example of. but yeah the Dread Pirate Roberts name was passed through a number of hands, hence the reference to Princess Bride. not sure if he had access to it at that point or was just on a different admin account