Typical tankie, ignoring objective facts when they dislike them. Go give me a link to one of your little red pamphlets which aren't biased at all. I enjoy this little game we have, let me debumk you some more. I haven't even talked about Venezuela or the holodomor yet (if you haven't heard of it, here's a hint: it's one of the reasons your daddy isn't that good of a guy).
Typical tankie, ignoring objective facts when they dislike them. Go give me a link to one of your little red pamphlets which aren't biased at all. I enjoy this little game we have, let me debumk you some more. I haven't even talked about Venezuela or the holodomor yet (if you haven't heard of it, here's a hint: it's one of the reasons your daddy isn't that good of a guy).
I feel dirty now. Yuck.