• Dyskolos
    5 days ago

    In my line of voluntary work I’ve come across a car of a disgusting couple (a priest and his wife) that applied as a foster-home (right term? Not adopting but taking care of a kid until it is adopted) and got many kids all the time. They fed them bare minimum so they don’t starve, minimum on rags from local charity and treated them like utter garbage. And why? State pays per child in foster-homes. So kids have it well. They made a good living off of it and fed scraps to the orphans.

    Oh and…they’re still free and doing it. Only one kid managed to flee but didn’t dare say something. They were, of course, bullied to STFU. Also nothing much would happen anyway. Child abuse is not so much of a bad thing here, law-wise. So it seems.

    Homo homini Lupus est. I hate people.