With UlyssesT out there touching grass, I haven’t seen this thread in a while. What in the past do you NOT miss? It could be very personal or just something everyone experienced but doesn’t anymore.
For me, I am so fucking happy the food scene in burgerland has changed since the 2000s. People seem to enjoy more well-seasoned foods and healthier options seem to outstrip the unhealthy slop I remember in the 2000s. Even my yee-yee ahh Ohio suburb has changed somewhat noticeably to support fresh ingredients. Less WASPslop is always good.
How about y’all?
Smoking. I love my friends and family, but I hated how much they fucking reeked of cigarettes. I also hated when the died of illnesses that were obviously caused or exacerbated by their smoking. Most of the survivors have quit, and I really appreciate them taking the effort.
Also not nostalgic for old cars. I totally understand people vibing with them and thinking they’re cool, but I gotta be honest about how fucking shitty the ride feels, how uncomfortable the seats are, and how much anxiety I’m feeling about the painful death I’m going to experience if we get into a minor crash.
Old cars ride like shit and I wouldn’t drive one in regular traffic because they’re death boxes on wheels, but they look really nice and cute, and I wish I could drive them in a closed circuit at a reasonable speed.
Part of me wants to take the old body and just modernise everything about how it drives, safety etc. But also I can’t afford two cars (or even really one car).
Same, I’m sure someone with a lot of time on their hands has put an old body on a newer frame and made a relatively safe car that doesn’t look like a boring crossover. But I have neither the time nor the money to do that.
I just want to drive an old Fiat Topolino, a Citroen 2CV, or a Subaru 360 down a sunny coastal road without fearing for my life. I love tiny, quirky cars.
It’s possible but remarkably difficult, modern cars are massive, partly due to modern safety features, partly due to modern market desires
There was a YouTube channel trying to do this before they got fucked by copyright, they were trying to put a 1960s Mustang body on a modern Mustang fram, and it essentially involved custom building everything to fit
Yeah that sounds about right. My biggest issue is that because of advancements in safety standards and the tendency of the profit rate to fall, there’s this convergent evolution so that every car looks the same, and they all look a bit lifeless and uninspired. I like cars that look a bit different, that are a bit impractical, that look fun. But that’s not so much a thing nowadays.
Also, i hate big cars. I just want a tiny car for me, someone else and groceries.
My vote goes out to the Renault 5 because Sankara ordered all the high-ranking government officials in Burkina Faso to switch their Mercedes limos out for them, given that it was the cheapest new car available in the country at that time.
Growing up, there were all kinds of these Renault <number> models around. They were dead simple, and all of them a bit angular. Cheap to maintain, low consumption, perfect low-key cars.
there was a limited line of Nissans in the early 90s that did this that I always liked
Those are really cute, even if a bit kitsch. I just don’t like the fact that all cars nowadays look the same.
i’d love to see an electric trabant with massive speakers built into it so it still sounds the same as the old tiny 2-stroke engines (never accept a 4-stroke trabant, those are abomination).
it wouldnt have that 2-stroke fuel smell, but you cant have everything.