Joe Exotic posts on instagram that his husband was deported by ICE after years of shilling for Donald Trump.
Should a took em both. Hate to have couples separated
Wait he’s actually gay? I never knew that
How do you deport a husband anyway, doesn’t marriage guarantee citizenship?
He’s gay and married to an immigrant and still voted trump? I knew magaheads were dense but this is neutron star level density!
still voted trump
He’s in prison isn’t he? He didn’t vote
Wait. I’m French so this made my brain fry.
In the US prisoners have their constitutional rights removed?
Yup! In America convicted felons are not allowed to vote in federal elections and depending on the law of the state they are not allowed to vote in state or municipal elections either. As a result of these policies a disproportionate amount of black and Latino communities have had their right to vote stripped away.
Why would Carol Baskin do this?
This is my favourite one so far. Fuck Joe Exotic.
It’s an older meme, but it checks out.
I can definetely still hear this one!
“I am never gonna financially recover from this situation.”
Hahaha, you think a gay dude’s getting one of Trump’s golden tickets for US citizenship? I mean come on, has he even raped any women? Remember, trans ones don’t count!
I think trans ones count if you fuck em over instead of just merely fucking them…
Just saying, my bf wishes he could fuck me as hard as the US Government does
i absolutely hate this, and at the same time, you’re entirely on point here. it’s beginning to feel a lot like sex crimes are a rite of passage to the new regime, bonus points if it’s a hate crime directed at a trans person
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t lowered the age of consent to 12 whilst accusing transpeople of being pedos at the same time somehow.
What do you mean “sex crimes”? There’s about to be no such thing by the end of the next 4 years. Women won’t be able to report crimes
I’m pretty certain they’ll still be able to report a crime, but it becomes selectively enforced and used to control people.
Or they encourage victims to speak up, then force them to marry their rapist and remove all agency from them in that marriage to prevent them from speaking about it again.
Or both.
Or something worse than all of the above.
Sex crimes happen to men, too.
I wasn’t talking about men, I was talking about women.
If you have 5 million, surely you’d just use that to live in a different country?
Hahaha, you think a gay dude’s getting one of Trump’s golden tickets for US citizenship?
Very possibly, if you can get him in the same room as Trump and he does a good enough job of brown nosing.
The Donald is a notorious queen, loves Broadway, loves gay culture and appropriates it with abandon, and would happily make a pageant of granting clemency to Joe Exotic’s husband if he was in his 2020 celebrity heyday rather than the dustbin of Netflix history.
I mean come on, has he even raped any women?
Given the guy’s history… I’m not counting it out.
I mean come on, has he even raped any women? Remember, trans ones don’t count!
Does this mean trans-rape is 21st century lynching?
good ol’ create problem, sell solution
I doubt that Joe Exotic has been married at any time in 2025
It seems they were not married as of 1st November 2024
Fine, but they can refer to each other as husbands if they like
Well, yeah, but I believe the implication is that if they were legally married then Exotic’s husband should be a US citizen and shouldn’t have been deported.
should be a US citizen
No? You can marry foreign nationals in the US I’d hope
Other way around. A US citizen marrying a foreign national grants the foreign national a path towards citizenship.
After looking further into it, however, it’s not an immediate thing. It seems to take 3 years before you can apply for citizenship, and of course you need to remain in the country legally for those 3 years.
But there’s also the assumption that one wants US citizenship which often means giving up any other citizenship you have
I think that even if they were legally married, there are instances where they can still be deported. If the person went into or stayed in America “illegally”, they can be deported regardless of marriage status.
That’s bullshit. The government shouldn’t be deporting people for refusing to participate in their system of regulating love. Just let people live where they want.
Note that might have legal consequences: if they expressed that in a court session it might be considered perjury or contempt of court. In general, people don’t like being mislead, so using sentences that are easy to misinterpret when you could have used a more straightforward sentence will probably lead to trouble.
Some consequences of “represent[ing] to others that the parties are married” can be considered quite negative:
Perhaps they weren’t legally married but had some kinda tiger ceremony followed by a sweaty handshake…
Marriage isn’t a legal construct. The government doesn’t have the right to own people’s relationships. They can say they do, it doesn’t make it true.
Traditionally marriage is about property rights, for the spouses and children. As such it was effectively a contract, and this is very much in what the government is for, since they will be the ones enforcing the contract if the parties disagree.
In the modern USA especially, a whole package of benefits is tied to being married, from health care to pensions and so on. Again, the government literally must be involved.
All of this is probably the main reason that people pushed so hard for gay marriage. Not having access to all of that was real discrimination.
I would love for marriage to move from being a special thing to being like any other contract, but it would take decades of work to begin to untangle it from the current model.
Sorry guys, I agree with this take. The tricky part is the legal stuff tied to “single” or “married”, etc but we shouldn’t have distinguished based on that anyway.
There’s going to be so many fat leopards.
I don’t think Joe can vote from prison.
In some states you can’t vote once you leave it either, for felonies. States like Missouri or Mississippi require extra steps like a pardon to get your voting rights back
Leopards Ate My Husband
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. Zero sympathy.
i thought a tiger would eat his face, but eventually turned out to be a leopard