eastern championship wrestling wins in the end.
Sure. Why the hell not? Let’s let another mid-carder anywhere else take the prestigious Worlds Championship.
That is big “I only watch the fed” energy.
Rhino kicked ass in ECW and TNA.
Star power. It’s about Star power. Cody and Aldis are the biggest stars in recent history to hold that title. And that’s a direct reflection of just how far the NWA has fallen. That’s what I’m on about. Rhino is fine, but he’s never been a star.
Again big “I only watch the fed” energy.
Would you say that about Aldis and Cody pre WWE.
Aldis was a mid-carder that wasn’t on TV for years before he won the title.
And Cody was Stardust.
Rhino was a bigger star in TNA than Aldis was.
Genuinely curious, as I don’t keep up with NWA, but would any of their current main eventers be able to reach beyond midcard in any of the major promotions?
Because, otherwise, I don’t really see a problem with giving Rhino a shot.
Again, I don’t know, which is why I’m asking.
Not really lol. Years ago sure but their good talent left for WWE and AEW a long time ago. The NWA title has a prestigious past at this point, nothing Pumpkins has done has made the belt worth a damn since then.
Fucking Funkasaurus was a 288 day NWA champ ffs lol. The belt means less than the fucking GCW title at this point.
Once Cody drops the WWE title, I’d love to see him pick up the NWA Worlds Championship again, even wear it on WWE TV. I gotta believe HHH would find SOME way to allow that.
Christ might as well have Cody do a NOAH tour and bring back the DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship in that case, means more than the NWA title in 2025 after it’s been carried by Thom Latimer, EC3, Tyrus, Trevor Murdoch and Matt Cardona these last 5 years, a bunch of mid-carders, has-been’s and never-should-have-beens lmao.
The current state of the NWA world title places it in the middle of the pack at best amongst GCW, Defy, Revolver, DPW, JCW, Reality and a few other big name indies lol. Only important thing about it anymore is it’s past.
Wait, what’s wrong with Matt Cardona?
Overall, not much, I like the guy and his work but I’d struggle to think of anyone considering him a ‘WWE/AEW World Champion’ level wrestler.
He’s a good indie champ absolutely, but at best in a bigger company than GCW he’s a mid-carder. A high mid-carder sure, but a mid-carder. Has been for almost his entire career to date. Putting the NWA title on him did fuck all for the NWA title.
Sure, but at this point, NWA is not a bigger company than GCW.
So, TL:DR is, Rhino would actually be a “best case” NWA champion. 😅
As of late, definitely lol