Holy shit that last guy with the rocket launcher. That was fired at a range of what, 50 feet tops? I thought rocket launchers were incapable of even detonating at that short of a range
I think these are homebrew Al-Yassin 105 rounds made in Gaza. There’s no reason they can’t be made to be armed immediately upon firing. It probably makes sense if you’re doing urban combat and engaging at close range.
i haven’t seen the footage and don’t know what launcher they use, but warheads for the old soviet RPG-7 often do not have such safety feature. especially if they are using scratch-made or modified/repaired/refitted equipment and munitions.
depends on the munition. a lot of them count rotations before arming but there’s no law of nature preventing you from making shit that’s even more dangerous to the shooter.
Holy shit that last guy with the rocket launcher. That was fired at a range of what, 50 feet tops? I thought rocket launchers were incapable of even detonating at that short of a range
I think these are homebrew Al-Yassin 105 rounds made in Gaza. There’s no reason they can’t be made to be armed immediately upon firing. It probably makes sense if you’re doing urban combat and engaging at close range.
They could also be modified Chechen War rounds where both sides took off the range restrictions.
Is there a decent source to read about that? In a curious :armchair-general: way not a nagging reddity way.
Anna Politkovskaya’s work is the only one I’ve read outside internet articles. She’s a bit lib, but she was also actually on the ground.
Also she was murdered by…any of a number of contenders, the top one being the FSB or their Chechen counterparts, so she clearly was onto something.
In chechnya it is open knowledge that kadyrov ordered her death. But don’t know if it is just an urban myth, source: I’m chechen.
i haven’t seen the footage and don’t know what launcher they use, but warheads for the old soviet RPG-7 often do not have such safety feature. especially if they are using scratch-made or modified/repaired/refitted equipment and munitions.
depends on the munition. a lot of them count rotations before arming but there’s no law of nature preventing you from making shit that’s even more dangerous to the shooter.
Im no military guy but that is probably true. Im still sure that it made them like lightning ran from the rifles of the Al Qassam brigade.