Everyone understands that video games do not accurately portray reality. In real life, eating a flower wonā€™t let you throw fireballs, nor can you recover from a dozen bullet wounds by ducking behind a short wall for a few seconds. Itā€™s common sense that games must take some liberties in order to be, yā€™know, games. Still, creators have a responsibility to ensure that their works donā€™t spread harmful misinformation. Unfortunately, Nintendo shirked this responsibility when they created Tom Nook, a cartoon raccoon from the ā€œAnimal Crossingā€ series who loans the player money to buy a house.

Tom Nook is a patient and affable lender, who does not impose any deadlines on the player and allows them to pay him back at their own pace. I can say from experience that this is not how a real raccoon would behave. They wonā€™t let you forget about the money you owe them. Just ask that piece of shit loan-shark Randy Bandit, a raccoon who lives in my neighborhood and gave me a payday advance. That asshole is scratching at my window every goddamned night. ā€œWhereā€™s my money, Kyle? You still owe me that money.ā€ Yeah, Randy, and donā€™t I know it. Iā€™m gonna get you your damn money, just let me fucking sleep.

ā€œAnimal Crossingā€ also makes it way too easy to pay back a raccoon loan. You can just sell Tom Nook stuff like furniture, fruit, and fish, and soon enough, youā€™ve got enough cash. Randy Bandit owns a pawn shop, too, but heā€™s not quite as generous as Mr. Nook. In fact, his valuations are garbage, and thatā€™s what he really loves: garbage. He spends most of his time in the damn dumpster. Plus, one time he took the watch I was trying to pawn and didnā€™t pay me anything. He claimed it was counterfeit and said it would be illegal to give it back to me. That was my grandfatherā€™s watch, Randy! He wore it through the war! It wasnā€™t some knock-off from ā€œChinatownā€ like you claim. Our city doesnā€™t even have a Chinatown!

Randyā€™s got a lot of side-hustles. His new thing is that heā€™s an independent contractor, kind of like how Tom Nook will expand your house in ā€œAnimal Crossing.ā€ Randy is just as pushy as Tom is in the seriesā€™ earlier games, refusing to take ā€œnoā€ for an answer when he suggests that you put in a bay window or replace your carpet with hardwood floors. The difference is Randy doesnā€™t actually do the fucking job. Oh, sure, he does the demo right away, ripping out your old flooring, putting a big hole in your wall, and covering it all up with an old, ripped-up tarp. But then he disappears. He doesnā€™t even show up at night to hassle you about the money you owe him.

Eventually, you go down to the pawn shop to confront him, and he acts like he has no idea what youā€™re talking about. You threaten to report him to the city, but it turns out that he never got his business license and thereā€™s no paper trail, so youā€™re stuck finding a different contractor to complete the work at twice the cost. Oh, and guess whoā€™s back tapping on your bedroom window at two in the morning, demanding you pay back your loan or heā€™ll tip over your trash cans? Thatā€™s right: Randy Fucking Bandit. And that is his real middle name. Iā€™ve seen his driverā€™s license.

Thereā€™s one other thing about Randy that rubs me the wrong way, even though it shouldnā€™t be a big deal. Itā€™s just that I canā€™t help but notice how heā€™s become increasingly nervous when thereā€™s water around lately. Iā€™m not sure what thatā€™s all about, but itā€™s been making me uncomfortable. Fucking Randy.

link: https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/i-owe-money-to-an-actual-raccoon-and-its-much-less-whimsical-than-animal-crossing-would-have-you-believe/