When you’re famous, it’s all too easy to find yourself surrounded by people more interested in your wealth and social status than your best interests. Just take this rapper for example, whose closest “friends” are letting him down in a truly devastating way: No one in Drake’s crew is brave enough to tell him that cussing and premarital sex are sins.

Ugh…it seems like no one in Drake’s crew cares if he spends the afterlife in God’s eternal paradise or not.

Take one listen to any Drake album, and it’s abundantly clear that no one in his life is willing to have an honest conversation with him about his godless behavior, which includes having frequent sex outside of marriage, writing lyrics full of curse words, and stealing other rappers’ flows. Sadly, the downside of Drake’s fame is that people rarely tell him “no”, even when he needs to hear it for the sake of God’s righteous judgment. For fear of losing access to his influence and power, 40, Baka, Niko, Chubbs, and all of Drake’s other OVO crew members allow—no, encourage—him to partake in heavy drinking and bring strippers back to his hotel rooms, fully knowing that these acts will be charged as sins in Jesus’s ledger.

If even one of Drake’s pals had the courage to take him aside and explain that his insatiable lust for thick women and obsessive penchant for cussing in his raps are displeasing to God, they could save his soul from eternal damnation. Unfortunately, none of Drake’s friends are willing to risk their place in his inner circle to prevent him from giving in to immoral temptations, even if it means Drake is ultimately turned away from the most exclusive club of all: Heaven. And that’s just heartbreaking.

Real friends don’t enable friends to pursue worldly comforts and excess over spiritual satisfaction…and needless to say, Drake is sorely lacking in real friends right now.

On the bright side, it’s never too late for Drake to seek God’s forgiveness and live a moral life according to the scriptures. All we can do is hope that the next time Drake is in the studio recording a song that features the “F” word, someone who actually cares about his soul, and not his money, will be brave enough to intervene. We are praying for you either way, Drake!

link: https://clickhole.com/surrounded-by-yes-men-no-one-in-drakes-crew-is-brave-enough-to-tell-him-that-cussing-and-premarital-sex-are-sins/