four hour harrisbomberguy video dropped
Hexbear when video is long
Yeah there’s just no way I could ever justify spending this much time on an online drama video. I just refuse to believe this couldn’t have been like half an hour long.
Eh, I listen while doing chores over like a week
Yeah I’d much rather spend that time complaining about how long it is on a niche internet forum
ehh… its not that bad…
Less about drama and more a “down the rabbit hole” that starts with plagiarism and moves on to content mills, etc.
YouTube videos should be 5-43 mins and no longer. Anything else is revisionist
The longer a video or a podcast is, the less time I have to spend
ing trying pick something to put on next
Average Lapsed Fan episode is, like, 3 to 5 hours long. I can spend 7 hours listening to one subject. I have no choice paralysis, because my shift will be done before the episode ends.
I always listened to Noah Caldwell Gervais’s 8 hour Resident Evil vid during the most boring machining shifts. Took the mind off the monotony and didn’t have to take gloves n shit off to switch videos
I chugged through Critical Role in its entirety (just campaign 1 at the time) as a podcast when I was doing warehouse work.
Can’t wait for James Somerton to come back and pivot towards right-wing discourse, and complain about cancel culture like a good grifter who knows where the money is. He’d fit right in there with his misogyny and casual denial of other people’s sexuality and gender identity.
that’s why dave rubin is streaming out of a greenscreen cupboard now, they’re cycling him out for the next token gay guy
Half of the comments on this thread is people claiming that they’re too important and busy to watch the video, while simultaneously taking the time to comment about how they didn’t watch the video.
Like who is this for?
Idk why people get so weird about media length. You don’t like movies or videos that are too long? Okay, that’s a totally legitimate preference, but just don’t watch it then?
If you wanna have a discussion about how certain market trends are encouraging creators to make their content longer and longer and how thats detrimental to media as a whole fine. I don’t get complaining about individual creators or pieces of media though, long media can be good, idk if anyone else has seen 1900.
But why have a thoughtful analysis of the material pressures on internet content creation, when you can be a heckin’ big chungus lefto, who bitches about it on the Bear website, cuz you don’t like a guy for being a lib? Upbears to the left!
Fr y’all, watch the video as background noise. If you can listen to theory audiobooks, you can do this.
Or, better yet, take the time you would’ve spent watch the video essay, or bitching about its length online, to read Combat Liberalism.
cuz you don’t like a guy for being a lib?
This is my issue. Most people here complaining about the length probably just think HBomber is a douche. Which is fine, but just say that rather than use the fact his videos are long as a sidewind to bitch about him. Most of you would probably watch an equally long video with glee of it was by someone you like on a topic you care about.
Yeah dont like him for being a lib. And calling to bomb dprk.
Tbf plagiarism is just a boring topic overall.
Okay, that’s fine.
But I think most people here would watch a 3 hour BoyBoy or Hakim video NP
3 hour BoyBoy
Omg. Got a link?
Just watch his entire catalog twice
No, Breadtubers like HB and Contra would be fine if their videos are as short as Dunkey’s videos. But these 2+ hour monstrosities deserve to be shit on. Likewise, I wouldn’t want to watch some 2+ hour Dunkey video. That’s sounds like complete trash lol
I wouldn’t want to watch some 2+ hour Dunkey video. That’s sounds like complete trash lol
I’d watch a 2 hour Internet Comment Etiquette with Big Money video
won’t watch one 240 minute video, will watch infinity 2-minute vines
do the kids know about the ⏸ button?
It doesn’t take me four fucking hours to shit on a Youtube video for being four fucking hours lmao
And yet here you are
Laughing at the people raging at this being four hours long, knowing that I already watched it all this morning and am currently listening to the 10 hour Wendigoon conspiracy iceburg video
If you’re into long YouTube videos, have you seen the 6 hour Down The Rabbit Hole about Eve Online that dropped like a month ago?
I’m saving that for some off time around the holidays personally. I listened to down the rabbit hole a lot during the lock downs.
Always love seeing thus video being recomended.
The thing is that this isn’t much better and hbomb has a track record for being some high quality slop. This is a pretty big step down in addition to the length
y’all just don’t watch these videos while doing chores or playing minecraft or something? cmon this is prime slop content to listen to while doing something else. Not to mention listening to this type of stuff while drawing too like
starting a bit where i reply “300 pages long?!” under every post in the books comm
“State and Revoltion? States bad, revolution good. There Lenin, I saved you 100+ pages, you’re welcome.”
Flax > Linen > Coat, then we agree to share everything
This is true leftist unity
playing minecraft
euphemism for violence :scared:
deleted by creator
Made it through mostly, skipped a bit of the earlier segments. The video is good, but overly long because it has to show the receipts, so many receipts. I think the length also conveys the increasingly paranoid feeling HBG was experiencing while working on this video. What started as a simple concept eventually grew into a evidential flood and potential drama storm. It’s mostly a PSA of ‘Do Not Do This’, ‘this is the proper way to cite your sources’, etc.
Yeah, I personally feel like 90% could be cut. The economics, copyright discussion, psychology and behavior patterns, what the original authors think about it, are way more interesting than seeing 1h of detailed examples of how this one person used an article/documentary/book nearly 1:1 as their scripts. That could be like 3 minutes each for me.
thank you for the yearly video mr bomberguy
He also made a MYST video in April that is unlisted
Are their other full length patreon-only vids? I’m not gonna give him money but if there’s a playlist or a torrent out there that’d be great.
I don’t think there are that many the only other I’ve seen linked is the vid about mirrors in video games
Now THIS is the slop I want from him
fuck yes and I was just considering doing a playthrough of MYST
That sounds a lot more interesting than this
Ok see this looks way more tight. Respect to Harris, but intra-tuber beef isn’t quite my bag
oh hell yeah, thanks
Harrisbomberguy, I known you’re reading this. Before shooting trim your beard or have longer hair or film at a 3/4 view. The line near the ears where it starts being beard and is twice as long is all I can see when you hare straight on to the camera talking.
Oh my god you might be my mew favorite poster on this site
Awww thanks. I’ve run with this crowd since the chapo reddit days and there has been no better group with which to hone the shitposting blade.
Ok I didn’t think I’d watch it all in one sitting, but I watched it all in one sitting.
What the actual fuck, you’d think after a certain number of plagiarisms, you’d have enough Patreon and ad money to hire actual writers so you don’t get your entire career nuked from orbit when people simply Bing search your words with “” marks around and see it’s from a 2013 blogosphere post.
This was so thorough that I feel some people may use this as a guide on how to commit better plagiarism.
Removed by mod
this video was fantastic. somerson is a monster.
I love long hbomber essays. The Deus x one took me three sittings to complete
The second I saw the time stamp I knew 90% of the comment here would be complaining about the length. The collective time we all spend commenting about the length is probably longer than the video.
I unironically hope the next one is longer.
“at one point people decided I was breadtube, but also that they hated me for being included in that category”
Lmao. ~~~ I lost the timestamp and the direct quote but its about plagiarism so its all the more appropriate. ~~~
I’m really kinda confused about who is watching 4 hours of one person on a topic like youtube plagiarism without getting bored.
Do people watch these on 2x speed? 3x? Just download the audio and listen like it’s a podcast or lecture?
Who is this for? What is the purpose or goal of it? Does anyone truly give a shit about plagiarism on youtube other than people making youtube content?
Real questions. Not rhetorical or irony poisoned. I do not get it.
No 2x speed, happily lounging around on a lazy Sunday watching a well researched lecture on a topic that is made interesting by writing and delivery. Bringing the plagiarism back to how this specific instance is damaging the queer community brought it home for me. I like seeing people trying to do some good in the world. Bomber guy and Shawn skull guy are sometimes hard to get invested into the story but usually it’s pretty great. I will admit I forwarded through some of the examples of the plagiarism because I don’t really care about it, the analysis and discussion are more interesting.
I want to like documentaries but usually I don’t find them going in depth enough into a topic. Long form deep dives into a weird topic is oddly fascinating to me. I also listen to podcasts a lot so this is similar content.
That being said, I don’t know how weird I am but I do not like being advertised at so I don’t watch any cable tv, I don’t really like movies or shows, I don’t like Western propaganda in my entertainment so that rules out almost everything. So, I don’t know, this is about the length of a football game and for me a replacement of that.
Videos like this for a lot of people are used as background noise when they’re doing something like cleaning or working. I’ve used these types of videos for a slower day when I have to clean out my place for an extended period of time. I think that’s what most people use Twitch streams and podcasts for.
Short-form content can be a pain because you’re going to have to switch is up every ten minutes or so while something like this will help you stay occupied for long enough to get what you need done.
currently 2.5 hours in trying to clean my apartment.
Edit: finished the video. It was good. Hbomb is a good guy with principles. hexbear needs to chill occasionally. Even he says he’s not doing a drama vid like this again.
I enjoy longform content when its made by someone who’s entertaining and/or insightful. Hbomb in particular is both funny and fun to watch slowly become more and more unhinged as he dives deeper in a rabbit hole. But its definitely not for everyone. Also most of these types of videos could be way shorter if they were just more focused.
I’m mostly in the “listen like it’s a podcast or lecture” camp. During this video I’ve: played satisfactory, played factorio, done prep for a TTRPG campaign I wanna run, and walked my dog.
This one’s below par for HBomb. Like I’ve re-listened to his early stuff dunking on Sargon and The Golden One dozens of times, I’ve re-listened to some of his more recent ones like Flat Earth two or three times, but this one will probably be a skip for me in the future. He would benefit from giving himself a hard per-upload time limit and not exceeding it no matter what.
This is probably one of the least interesting topics he’s covered. I want coverage of absolutely freakish gremlin people when I tune into hbomb. The people he covers in this video are just run of the mill mediocre video essayists.
Not saying you have to like this recent video, but the level of blatant plagiarism and serial lying on display by James Sommerton is so comical to me, that I feel like he definitely qualifies as a freakish gremlin
I think a shorter video focused in him would have been better. It takes 2 hours to get there.
Yeah, the unhinged quality of it is a lot of the charm. Some day Tommy Tallarico is still watching his takedown to this day.
maybe this is just my brain being shit but i cant listen to people talk and work on other things at the same time.
I can play video games but that’s about it, and even then anything that requires reading or more than an instant’s thought will cause me to derail.
I can listen to riveting lectures while doing routine housechores and casual podcasts while focusing on some important task, but I can’t do the riveting lectures and important task at the same time.
Does anyone truly give a shit about plagiarism on youtube other than people making youtube content?
I’m gonna pick up this here because having watched and liked it (allthough to be fair I’m a sucker for the guy, hits just right) there is a salient point here in Youtube being amongst the top media consumer things, especially for younger people, and the associated problems that come with that.
That is to say, to discount the effects a plattform like Youtube has entirely as E-Drama seems weird. The video isn’t really about shitfights between people with nothing to say, it’s about a problem and why it’s a problem
I’ve listened to these long ass videos before, but I must really like the video itself, the message, the topic and the person(s) doing it. I do it mostly when playing videogames that don’t require a lot of attention, like Rimworld, EUIV or a football (soccer) game where I can just kinda disconnect, listen and play or have the ability to pause if needed. After all, it’s a video, you can take your time watching it, you don’t have to watch all four hours of it at once, but rather bit by bit.
And yeah, there’s people who really like a well researched video on youtube plagiarism, maybe they like the topic or maybe they like this guy in particular so much they’re willing to listen to him for hours, and in this case, Hbomberguy is super likeable. I’ve had people in Uni willing to listen to a professor speak about I don’t know, early Argentinian history for HOURS all while sitting in one place and doing nothing but listening, I can really see people pulling through videos of 4 to 6 hours talking about random shit as well. There’s people for everything!
I like longform content that gets deep into the topic. I’ve watched the 20h Skyrim analysis – not as background, although admittedly while playing slow paced chill games or in between game matches, and I’d watch videos as long as this as long as the topic is interesting and the analysis worthwile
I watch them section by section, split up over a few days.
Youtube plagiarism is definitely something everyone should care about, as I can say that I’ve made the mistake of trusting Somerton’s videos and ended up spreading his misinformation.
Playing Old School RuneScape while watching 3 hour long video essays is a great way to drain my dopamine reserves and go the fuck to sleep
Just download the audio and listen like it’s a podcast or lecture?
just let it play in the background and listen like it’s a podcast
Do people watch these on 2x speed? 3x? Just download the audio and listen like it’s a podcast or lecture?
honestly i don’t have time for it anymore but when I did watch breadtube and breadtube adjacent twitch people I’d get the vods, fast foward past the BS and then watch the rest of it on anywhere from 2.5x to 5x depending. i don’t even have time for that anymore. i will however watch other slop for stress relief purposes and self-soothing when I need to, i just have better sources for political analysis these days that is proletarian and not the small business orientation most these people belong to
I shared with my wife a video on transmaxxing yesterday and today she wanted more takedowns of transmaxxing content and we both desperately wanted a measured response to transmaxxing this afternoon.
She saw this within 15 mins of upload and we are now 90 minutes in. This is quite the monkey paw curling.
god… transmaxxers are something else
a video on transmaxxing
Spare a link? Would like to see this.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: