Players usually want a good story in their games. I can enjoy a good story too, but sometimes I just want to get going and do stuff without listening to several minutes of dialog in-between action.

Do you know any games where there’s no story (or very minimal/skippable one), and the game mechanics alone carry the game?

EDIT: Thank you all for the suggestions. There are some that I’ve never heard of and look very interesting. Will definitely pick some of them up.

    2 years ago

    Since you didn’t specify a genre I will just recommend, from my most played games which have no explicit story (as in, there probably is some lore or story but you don’t see it unless you watch for it like in Dark Souls), try to see if there is anything you are interested in.

    Risk of rain 2, 3d tps roguelike where you stack items until the game breaks, the game gets more difficult each minute you spend on a stage.

    Factorio and satisfactory, both are part of the factory building genre, the first one is 2d and the second 3d. I recommend starting with factorio, seriously these are pure crack despite jow unappealing the genre seems at first.

    Slay the spire, a deck building roguelike.

    Dirt rally 2, it is a single player game but there are leaderboard just in case ypu consider that “multiplayer”.

    Crypt of the necrodanncer, rythm roguelike where you move and attack on each beat

    Descenders, bike game where you usually go downhill fast.

    • GrimReaperCZOP
      2 years ago

      I’m glad I didn’t specify a genre, because you wouldn’t suggest Descenders, and it’s very different from the others mentioned so definitely seems interesting to me.