edit: wording, fix link

“Most people who commit tax fraud go through their entire lives without anything happening. They don’t audited, they don’t get caught, they don’t get prosecuted,” she said. “But if they get prosecuted, they get convicted.”

Of the 665 cases that were referred for prosecution in 2021, about 90% resulted in a conviction, the IRS data shows.

They can be hashed out in civil court, with fines and penalties, rather than with criminal charges. Trump ally Roger Stone, for example, faced a lawsuit from the Justice Department over nearly $2 million in income tax in 2021. It was settled the following year.

Cases against celebrities and other high-profile people can also generate attention that helps convince other people to file their taxes on time, Moran said.

An October poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 35% of U.S. adults believe Joe Biden personally has done something illegal concerning the business dealings of his son. An additional 33% say the president acted unethically but did not violate the law. Just 30% say Joe Biden did nothing wrong.

Hunter Biden was indicted on three felonies and six misdemeanors, including filing a false return and tax evasion felonies, as well as misdemeanor failure to file and failure to pay. Hunter Biden, 53, could receive a maximum of 17 years in prison.

Video below is where I heard about this:

(Taxes, Firearms, Drugs, Information in Memoir)Hunter Biden Indicted on Felony Tax Charges, Comer Says DOJ Still Protecting ‘The Big Guy’ [8:59 | Dec 08 23 | Jessica Burbank/Spencer Brown | The Hill]


  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Republicans have this bizarre idea in their heads now that if Hunter Biden is found guilty of tax fraud, this somehow proves Joe Biden did something illegal. And they’re going to try to impeach Biden for it too.

    But they have convinced me to never vote for Hunter Biden if he ever decides to run for president. So… congratulations, Republicans?

    • Starbuck@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Yeah, these indictments are absolutely devastating to Hunter Biden’s presidential campaign.

    • Boddhisatva@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      No, they just want to keep Hunter and his crimes in the media because most voters are stupid and will link Joe Biden with Hunter’s crimes in their heads. Whether Joe Biden had any part in or knowledge of Hunter’s activities or not doesn’t matter, as long as if makes the GOP base and independents think less of Joe in the voting booth.

    • mrnotoriousman@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Considering the article says 2/3 people think he’s committed a crime or acted unethically wrt Hunter it is clearly working