Coffin is shaped, guys.
What if I want my coffin shaped like a casket?
Remove hinges from casket
If it’s shaped it’s a coffin.
the two genders
It is shaped like itself.
BRB gonna go spend eternity in my fractal box.
shaped as in “shaped to the body”, much like saying the clothes were tailored. you wouldn’t ask “tailored to what” only one thing goes in it.
Solid snakes sneaking suit was shaped to the body. Coffins are only ‘shaped to the body’ if you are a brick.
Did you even read the OP?
I read the meme. Its pretty simple imo.
That casket isn’t even rectangular, that’s a goddamn octagon.
Wife was built like a damn 🛑 😭 may she rest in pece
TIL rectangular apparently isn’t a shape
The image isn’t even of a proper rectangular-shaped box. Look at those cut corners! Dare I say “shaped corners” even.
What is something called if it’s shaped with a hinged lid or rectangular with a detachable lid?
Cofket Caffin
deleted by creator
If they had “good health”, they would need the casfin/coffit
Dead Jack In The Box
This is incorrect - it’s a writer’s fantasy to make a character look like a pedant.
From Merriam-Webster…
Coffin: a box or chest for burying a corpse.
Casket: 1: a small chest or box (as for jewels) 2: a usually fancy coffin
But if you google it, you get a bunch of results from funeral homes saying the same thing this post is. I’d say the terminology used in actual practice carries more weight than Merriam-Webster.
The funny thing is, Merriam-Webster changed the way they define words in the 50s or 60s to include the way people use them in actual language rather than a static, unchanging, rigid definition. It’s why you can now find definitions for things like irregardless and ain’t in MW.
If I google it aliens built the pyramids as well. I think someone got the other definitions into wikipedia so it has the appearance of Truth. Or maybe wikipedia is reality now.
These are actual businesses that do this for a living saying that, not wikipedia.
I’m not sure random businesses are the authority on the English language. If you don’t like Webster then go to Oxford: casket,n. A coffin. U.S. 1849
As a regionalism it doesn’t even appear under the main entries of casket.
The main entry is the same use as Webster’s 1: above, a small container for valuable items.
I think the word they’re looking for is tapered. They’re wrong, (I’ve seen similarly tapered coffins with hinged lids, but it would have had to have been a few decades ago. Could have been a prop, on second thought, though) but I’m betting on it being one of those regional variations
Did anyone else just stake that mofo? I mean hes a vampire and I wake up as hes trying to feed on me? the mental gymnastics to let that evil monster live…
Or as Morpheus drinkin a 40 calls it… a death basket.
I learned this from a series called “Scorpion” and a man named Toby. (there’s an episode where he and a young woman get stuck in a casket, and she says she doesn’t want to die in a coffin, and he corrects her, because apparently knowing what you are going to die in is pretty important for some reason?)