Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.
Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.
I’m dying to hear you define any of these terms you’re using. Please, open the window up to world of politics so incoherent it’s like staring at an eldritch horror from beyond the veil of reality.
I know what they mean, you don’t, and I’m not going to waste my time explaining, and I don’t have to do that for anything really.
Lol literally doing the “I know what you are, but what am I?”

I hope you’re a teenager who will one day grow to look back on this and realise how cringe they were, because if you’re a full-grown adult