CommunistBear [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021


  • September has not been great for me. This is probably the worst my mental health has been in a while. I’m in my “I want to run away and start over somewhere new” phase that I know is an impossibility. I wish I had an actionable plan to get my shit together and improve my life but it feels like so many avenues are just cut off for me. I feel like I have no agency in my own life. I don’t get to do what I want on a day to day basis and, largely speaking, I don’t know what the fuck I want to do because I so rarely have any agency that it feels like that part of my brain is atrophying away.

  • Not much has changed for me in the two weeks since I’ve posted here. My stomach issues are gone and I am completely clueless on what the cause was. My assumption was a stomach bug of some kind.

    I have maintained my sobriety streak and am closing in on 5 months now. I’ve recently gotten the urge to drink or smoke again, which is more of an urge than normal, and it’s likely due to being bored as shit at work right now.

    I’m starting up a second DND group/campaign in the near future which is exciting. Although I’m cursed to forever DM, and thus never get to actually play what I want, it’s still fun to have the creativity juices flowing in my brain. My silly voices and accents have gotten much better now that I’m forcing myself to do them all the time.