• JelloBrains
    1 month ago


    I worry about where things are going with WBD, that company is a massive dumpster fire since Discovery bought WB, it’s nothing AEW has done, but more what WBD is doing. I don’t see how WBD lets AEW get away with their loss of the NBA, it would be a mistake, IMO. Although I wouldn’t mind seeing “the bidding war of '24” for the TV contract so Tony can shove a big sack of cash in the AEW is going out of business groups faces. AEW having the money to compete on contracts is good for wrestlers, out-of-ring workers, and the fans, anyone ignoring that is foolish.

    For the “but the ratings” crowd, AEW’s Rampage and Collision are constantly getting shuffled, they have a legit reason for ratings to be all over the place.