A new animated video, “Otsuchi Cho Kagura Daihammer,” produced in collaboration with the Sanriku ❤️ Otsuchi PR Ambassadors and the citizens of Otsuchi town, was released on the Otsuchi Town Tourism Association YouTube channel on May 7th!

Youtube link

  • 1Fuji2Taka3NasubiOP
    7 months ago

    It is an anime a Japanese town made (commissioned?) to promote itself, the whole episode is on Youtube.

    I wasn’t sure whether it was a joke or not at first but it turns out it is a real town in Iwate prefecture. I hope no one gets the idea that they really have a super robot as Guardian Angel after watching it though 🤣

    The animation is not bad and is the length of a full episode, and it has famous seiyuu voices, notably Takayama Minami (of Detective Conan fame) as the main character. Usatsuka Eiji (illustrator of Zero no Tsukaima) is credited as one of the authors.