Hello SquaredCircle! Welcome to our Weekly Discussion Thread!

What have you watched lately? Seen any great matches? Have suggestions for things to watch? Anything not getting covered in other threads that ya wanna fill people in about? Questions about promotions, wrestlers, ‘the business’ or more?

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(Reminder, this thread can and will contain spoilers for possibly any show. Spoiler tags are not required in here, but if the show just happened try and keep spoiler talk it to its respective discussion thread for the first day).

  • JelloBrains
    6 months ago

    We all talk about the alleged NDA with Jericho… It turns out AEW itself handed them out when they paid off BJ Whitmer’s assault victim and had her sign an NDA, because I’ve only read it elsewhere and don’t have the source available, I’m placing it here. I’m sad but not shocked by this revelation, the US appears to allow these things to be overused.

    • kessleragain@beehaw.org
      6 months ago

      Oof. Shame you don’t have the source. The last I’d heard was his Alford plea. When searching, most results were still only about that. Of the two that popped up after extra scrolling, one I’d never heard of and just mentioned an NDA and the other I’ve never read before but seemed to imply the victim was reached out to to give support but the emails exchanged could look odd and then there was an NDA. Really odd stuff, cause… why?

      Not a fan of the plea with the victim being against it, but that’s pretty much my biggest opinion. Well, that and fuck BJ Whitmer for doing that. I hope more people pick up this NDA thing to work out what’s going on exactly. Unless for whatever reason the victim doesn’t want it talked about, I guess.

      • JelloBrains
        6 months ago


        If nitter is down, and it will go down eventually as this is the last instance standing, you can get there with a twitter account, assuming you have one, I don’t or I would have used it.

        It’s found in the sentencing memorandum:

        “During the pendency of this case the Commonwealth was provided with a significant amount of reciprocal discovery. Due to this discovery and other events the Commonwealth was required to reevaluate its position.”

        It has the whole memorandum, pages 4-5. It appears that AEW is the one that reached out, she ended up with an NDA and more than $40-thousand. From the looks of it, the settlement and stuff was fair game in discovery and they had to share it with the defense. Sadly it appears the state thought a Jury might side with him because of the NDA and let him get a plea deal.

        Why did AEW feel the need to get that deeply involved is a good question unless it was part of their investigation and subsequent firing of him. What happens with the settlement and NDA now, she didn’t break it, the police found it and entered it into the record. It all looks like a cluster-duck.

        • kessleragain@beehaw.org
          6 months ago

          Ah man, of course I popped back on once Nitter wasn’t working lol.

          Yeah, it’s all so odd. Thanks for the extra info!