Here is a thread to celebrate those who support to keep the (virtual) lights on and the data flowing!
If you’d like to donate and get your name on this list, head over to OpenCollective and select one of the options.
There is absolutely no pressure to donate though. Anything you can give is spent on keeping going. Donators (Past or Present)
- EchoCranium
- Cranjis McBasketball
- Thoxy
- Anonymous Donor
- YumYum_the_Great
- Stratoscaster
- EzTerry
- Bobicus
- Levsgetso
- Lumun
- Adanisi
- Piotr Szczurkowski
- TRSturbo
- RadDevon
- Nomadin
- Devorlon
- root
- InfrasoundXP
- Zamotic
- Zarkony Supporters
- David Love
- Brian Lindner
- Tamlyn
- AgnosticMammal
- Anonymous Donor
- Zorcron
- mynamesnotrick
- Angelo Arriaga Friends
- Anonpony1
- Anonymous Donor
- Grimm
- Firestorm Druid Heroes
Thank you again to everyone who is (or has been) supporting
Donators get some special perks - including the ability to choose custom emojis for everyone to use, and to get their own profile - just like this one.
In the future, we’re looking at other ways to reward those who donate. If there is something you’d like to see as a reward, let the admin team know.
If you’d like to stay anonymous please email me at or send me a message on here :)
This is great to see. Is there any way we can contribute with crypto? I’m not comfortable using credit card details but I’ll happily send some btc
Hey, I’m happy to accept btc or etc etc, and I’ll convert it to fiat to put towards the server asap, plus update OpenCollective with the fiat amount for transparency.
If you’re happy with this approach, let me know and I can message you with a wallet address. Thank you :)
Yes please that would be great :)
Thank you
Any chance of adding one-time contribution options? Or crypto?
Hey, the first option “Lemmy Donator” is a one time option (I’ll make that a bit clearer) - crypto should be fine but I’ll PM the wallet address to anyone that’s interested in that method.
Oh, I missed that thanks.
Do you have preferred currencies for crypto?
Hey, I dont but I do hold eth personally :) btc should be fine too.