Tony Khan and other AEW stars spoke to the media following AEW Dynasty.

Swerve Strickland

The first thing Swerve said upon being introduced was “My champion is black.”
He said that he was offered opportunities for the International title but turned them down, saying he wanted to shoot at the top.
When asked what message would he want to send to little Black boys and girls who are watching. Swerve replied that he wanted to send the message that it’s possible, but it’s not easy. He had to take it. He named Kofi Kingston winning the WWE Championship back at WrestleMania 35 as one of the most inspiring things in history. He said that was something that motivated him and something he wants to do for the next generation “multiple times.”
After he finished taking questions, Swerve introduced his shoes that will be coming out soon. He gifted them to Khan before leaving.

Willow Nightingale

When asked about Mercedes Mone, Willow said she would need to refocus, but just wants to celebrate the win for now and think about that and other title defenses before Double or Nothing. She said that when she wrestled Mone last year, won the Owen Hart Cup tournament, and headlined an ROH show against Athena all at the same time, that is when she thought she could be on this level.

Toni Storm

Storm gave a statement, where at one point she said Nicole Garcia couldn’t hold a “p**** scented candle to her."

She stormed off after someone asked a question regarding if she’d wrestle Mariah May, who is currently in the rankings.

Will Ospreay

Before Ospreay answered any questions, he started by apologizing by saying he didn’t see the doctor’s call before he laid out Danielson with the hidden blade for the win. He said he felt awful about what had happened. Moving forward, he will retire using the Storm Driver 91. Khan mentioned that he thought Danielson would be “okay” and that it was still a great match.
When asked about his recent jab against Triple H, he said that he’s done mentioning anyone from WWE because he’d just be lowering himself to that standard. He said it was the first time he’d experienced “true tribalism” over his remark. He doesn’t regret what he said, but he doesn’t want to go down that road moving forward.
After someone asked if he’d be going after the World title, he sidestepped the question by saying that he remembers seeing Swerve back when he was in CZW and put him over heavily.
One person asked about Ospreay paying for a ring for Softground Wrestling in Uganda. Ospreay said it reminded him of wrestling in his back garden. One of his dreams is to wrestle in Uganda.
Ospreay said the match he had tonight was probably the best one he’s ever done. He’s never felt more joy performing at that level.

Tony Khan

Thought Swerve stepped up another level with his recent matches against Hangman Page. He also mentioned the Casino Battle Royal back in 2022.
Regarding Jack Perry’s return, he said the return got a huge reaction. He also mentioned the response Perry got in Chicago last weekend. He called airing the footage “a bold call”, saying he felt that he had a responsibility to the home viewer to explain Jack Perry’s circumstances.
Someone asked if Mercedes Mone was cleared. Khan said that “she’ll be cleared at Double or Nothing.”
Regarding another pay-per-view in St. Louis, Khan said that the pay-per-view calendar is set for 2024, but would love to bring another event to the city.
One person asked if he would take all three of AEW’s shows to a streaming platform, he said it was “an interesting question." They’re still in an exclusive negotiation window with Warner Bros. Discovery and Khan likes having wrestling on TBS and TNT. He hopes to have AEW’s library online in 2025, mentioning AEW and ROH libraries while also mentioning the possibility of bringing in other content like NJPW.
When asked about WBD’s morale, he said he heard positive things from them following Dynasty and got a text message from them right before he entered the press conference.
Regarding financial details for Dynasty, Khan said data is coming in from multiple sources, but is looking positive.
When asked about MJF, he would love to get MJF back sooner rather than later. Another person asked about Kenny Omega and Britt Baker. Khan said hopefully we’ll see them soon. He hoped to have Omega back for when they run Winnipeg, even if he isn’t cleared to return to the ring. For Baker, the sooner she’s back, the better.

    2 months ago

    Got me again, Danielson!

    Still, it bears a frightening resemblance to what happened to Jeff Hardy not so long ago, so even if this latest instance is a work, I stand by my statement.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      2 months ago

      Oh your statement has merit regardless of if it was relevant for this situation. AEW’s refs have had some great examples of responding to injuries and some horrid dog-shit examples.