You know the one.

Someone says ‘Pro Wrestling Championship’. There’s a belt that comes to mind before any other for you. Maybe it’s something in the design, maybe it’s how it was treated or the prestige that came with it. Maybe you just love a non-black strap?

What (for you) is the best professional wrestling championship belt?

Or…what belt just pisses you off with it’s existence. Stupid gimmick? Pointless? Ungodly ugly? What belt makes you sigh and wonder what the hell the booker was thinking?

  • JelloBrains
    5 months ago


    The WWF Attitude era Big Eagle belt and WCW Big Gold tie as my all-time favorites, it’s the only one I ever bought in the “premium” replica form. Honorable mention to the IWGP championship, the old design that was used until 2020-2021.

    Note: WCW’s Big Gold is superior to the one they use in WWE, it hurts my feelings when the video games use the WWE one and call it the WCW belt, knowing full well the WCW belt did not have a WWE logo on it.

    My least favorite belt of all time is the WWE/Universal/Undisputed Universal/Giant Logo belt.

    Secondary belt:

    AEW International Title is cool looking, in my mind I’m seeing PAC carrying it out and I guess that’s the All-Atlantic Belt, but I think they are the same. Honorable mention to the WCW US Title.

    Worst… I’m going with the Impact Grand Champion belt. I just can’t think of more ugly ones off the top of my head.

    Tag Belts:

    Best… WCW with an honorable mention to the current Tag Design in WWE, the full ones, not the hubcaps.

    Worst… WWE’s just retired belts. Honorable mention to AAA, I don’t know if it’s changed but it used to be like a plain smooth plate with the AAA logo on it, it wasn’t great.


    AEW’s done a great job with their Women’s World titles, I liked the tiny one they started with and I really like the current one.

    The worst one ever, well it’s not the butterfly, it’s probably the attitude era belt, it was very plain, almost an afterthought just like the women were.

    Honorable mention to the NWA Women’s title, I don’t know if it’s horrid or great, but they had a locket on it, so a picture of the champion is or was on the belt.

    Tertiary Titles:

    I thought the WCW TV and WWF European titles were good. I like them over the TNT Title or X Titles used in AEW and TNA.

    • GeekFTWOPM
      5 months ago

      NWA Women’s title

      The photo is still on it if I’m not mistaken, and yeah. I don’t mind nameplates, or sideplates, but keep peoples fucking faces off the belts please lmao.

      • JelloBrains
        5 months ago

        The fact it is a recent addition to the title just blows my mind, it’s so cheesy.