Hi all, been a little while since I’ve done one of these but the time is right to add some updates!

Previous Parts

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10


  • Lemmy.zip turns 3 months old
  • We’re asking for user feedback on Lemmy.zip
  • Server has had a performance upgrade
  • Donations are always welcome :)
  • Interaction reminder!
  • Graphs and stats

Lemmy.zip turns 3 months old!

September 10th marks Lemmy.zip’s 3 month anniversary. I’ve put a little post together detailing some of the things we’ve achieved in this time.

User feedback

We’ve opened up feedback.lemmy.zip for people to share feedback on how they feel Lemmy.zip has done in its first 3 months, and what they’d like to see going forwards. Users can get their access code for the survey by PM’ing ZippyBot with #feedback.

Server performance upgrade

Over the past couple of days we’ve seen the return of short periods of downtime on Lemmy.zip, most likely due to the server running out of RAM and causing the databases to lock up. We’ve also added some additional security to the backend of Lemmy.zip which probably pushed the server over the edge, and so we’ve now upgraded the performance of the server.

Previously we were on Hetzner CPX21 (3 vCPU, 4GB RAM) and now we’ve upgraded to CPX31 (4 vCPU, 8GB RAM), which should keep us going for now!


As always, we’re extremely thankful to people who are kind enough and in a position to donate. You can always see the instance’s financial position on OpenCollective, and what we’re aiming towards. If you do donate, you’ll get your name in the Thank You Thread.

With increased server performance comes increased cost, and we’re currently at about 10 months worth of funding at the new server level. We’d love to one day jump to a proper dedicated server, but we need quite a reserve of funding to feel comfortable doing that, so anything towards that goal really helps.

Want to help but not in a position to do so financially? Then please remember to interact with the instance! The more users who interact = the better Lemmy.zip becomes!

Interaction reminder

If you’re new to Lemmy.zip - WELCOME! I hope you’re enjoying your time here :)

This is my regular reminder to people to please interact with the instance. That can be in the form of upvoting content, creating posts or comments and generating discussion, or even creating communities and gather like-minded people to discuss a topic.

Interaction is one of the key measures that helps rank Lemmy instances, and we’ve been able to punch above our weight in terms of user numbers vs activity. This helps promote the instance and in turn bring new people in. Please do interact, it helps out so, so much!

Graphs and stats and stuff

This is the last 7 days of CPU usage (from just before the server was upgraded)

And this is the network usage:

These are our Backblaze image hosting stats:

And these are our Cloudflare stats:

Thats all for now - please consider completing the survey as it will be incredibly helpful in shaping the instance in the future!



  • CluelessDude
    1 year ago

    I’m surprised it’s just 3 months old tbh heard that from most of the instances it was the most chill so here I am, keep up the good work.