Here’s mine: I was in a meeting with some coworkers once and my friend walked in late, walked to the end of the table, and said “Sorry, I just crop dusted all of you”. At first nothing happened, I didn’t smell anything, then one woman at the end of the table said “Dear God that’s terrible” and plugged her nose. Slowly but surely the fart wafted its way throughout the room, one of the nastiest farts I have ever smelled, and we had to reconvene the meeting outside because the smell was so bad.
Farting in a tent with everyone else trapped inside while it was raining heavily outside
I had one but i fartgot it
When I was in college I farted one of my worst farts ever and our teacher said “for the first time ever I think I’m going to have to give you a break cause of a fart”.
I did that in 5th grade, once.
Did anyone die and/or were you fired lol
Nobody died but it smelled like someone had. I was not fired but I still remember it 4 years later.
I saw a dude take off at a sprint from a standing position as a gag and he farted right as his foot hit the ground on his first step. It was like a display of rocket propulsion and a crop dusting all at once.
As teenagers one of my friends was known for his iron stomach and endless hunger. He didn’t believe me when i told him certain foods cause smelly gas, at least not for him. He also agreed to prove this by eating anything i gave him soooo he got:
Raw broccoli
Smoked lunchmeat
4 oz cheddar jack cheese
1 glass of milk
1 bottle of beer
1 can of soda
I think there was more… Anyway so about half hour goes by and he abruptly says “well, i was right! You just got a weak gut, i’m fine! Oh, yeah i forgot i gotta go do something, see you later.”
Years later he admitted he left cuz his stomach started rolling hard and he didn’t want to be proved wrong.
He had a date later that he ended up cancelling cuzza those poots too haha
I work in a lab that handles radioactive material, and was working in an area where it’s really easy to accidentally contaminate the floor (which is a huge pain because you have to quarantine the contamination, lay down plastic sheeting, check everyone’s shoes, etc.)
While I’m working there one of my coworkers begins approaching me and I say “oh hold up, don’t come over here.”
She sighs and says “I’ll go get the plastic sheeting…”
I reply “Oh wait no the floor’s not contaminated. I just ripped a real nasty one.”
Never seen her laugh harder lmao
I work in a machine shop where air guns are always within reach, so there’s a lot of shenanigans with farting and blowing it away, or hosing down a coworker with compressed air if they cut a stinker.
I made a finger-gun at my partner and then farted.
I’ll sometimes catch her eye, strike a pose, and bust out a squeaker