With UlyssesT out there touching grass, I haven’t seen this thread in a while. What in the past do you NOT miss? It could be very personal or just something everyone experienced but doesn’t anymore.

For me, I am so fucking happy the food scene in burgerland has changed since the 2000s. People seem to enjoy more well-seasoned foods and healthier options seem to outstrip the unhealthy slop I remember in the 2000s. Even my yee-yee ahh Ohio suburb has changed somewhat noticeably to support fresh ingredients. Less WASPslop is always good.

How about y’all?

  • Shaleesh [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    24 days ago

    Disposable cameras. The wastefulness of an object made to be thrown away aside, they took bad pictures, and if you wanted to take more than 10-15 pictures of your trip you’d have to bring a bunch of the things with you. Price wise an inexpensive traditional camera and half a dozen rolls of film were about the same price of five of the things IIRC.

    Smart phone UI design still sucks but its so much better than it was in the early-mid 2010s

    References to sexual abuse under the spoiler

    The people who say shit like “Oh dating sucks now, you can’t even flirt anymore” drive me up a fucking wall. Its not that people are prudes now, people don’t put up with sexual harassment like they used to, and that’s a good thing. The discussion around consent seems to be a lot better than it was when I was younger. There have also been improvements in sex ed and survivor resources in the past decade.

    • someone [comrade/them, they/them]@hexbear.net
      24 days ago

      I worked in a camera/photolab once upon a time. I hated how wasteful those cameras were. There was ostensibly a recycling program from both Kodak and Fujifilm, but frankly the cameras were so damaged by the opening process that there was no point.

      We had to put the camera in a darkbox, and actually crack open the plastic shell and retract the film inside its canister (it was plain old 35mm) by touch. Good luck trying to open the shell by the plastic clips (that theoretically made it easier) by relying on touch alone.

      APS film cameras were even worse though. They were supposed to have this fancy autowinder system, but it frequently failed and jammed on cheaper camera models. 35mm may have been more finicky to load and unload for the average non-photographer but at least we could easily rescue film from 35mm cameras in the darkbox and keep the camera intact.

    • sisatici [he/him]@hexbear.net
      24 days ago

      Ah,disposable cameras. They also had the benefit of not needing film replacement. You can burn the film if you are not prepared. But Yea those were somewhat wasteful. They had some waterproof models too