With UlyssesT out there touching grass, I haven’t seen this thread in a while. What in the past do you NOT miss? It could be very personal or just something everyone experienced but doesn’t anymore.

For me, I am so fucking happy the food scene in burgerland has changed since the 2000s. People seem to enjoy more well-seasoned foods and healthier options seem to outstrip the unhealthy slop I remember in the 2000s. Even my yee-yee ahh Ohio suburb has changed somewhat noticeably to support fresh ingredients. Less WASPslop is always good.

How about y’all?

  • Mardoniush [she/her]@hexbear.net
    24 days ago

    I had issues with the specifics but he definitely had close contact with Big Yud and the proto rationalist set, as well as 90s-early 2000s transhumanist silicon valley types.

    If you were more closely aligned with the softer Doctorow style tech types it might come off as strange vibes though.