Welcome to SquaredCircle’s ‘Meme Monday’!
Have you seen a great wrestling meme this week that just made you crack up? Did you watch a silly moment in a show and just need to craft a meme out of it? Well post em below!
The highest voted meme shall win and be showcased in next week’s thread!
Last week’s winner attached!
which popular aew characters died in the past year: ricky starks, miro
if you guessed ricky starks and miro you’re wrong; they were never popular
Any of CM Punk’s MMA fights would also work
The fact Tony dosent have Kenny constantly in the main event is insanity to me
He will, but Kenny’s only been back for a month, and booking is usually done 2-3 months out at minimum so it’s gonna take a minute for them to finish the current stuff the way they currently have it scripted before they build him into big things.