Tonight, AEW Dynamite comes to us from Cedar Park, Texas!

The card for tonight’s show will be:

Singles Match
Adam Page vs. Max Caster

AEW World Trios Title Match
Death Riders (Claudio Castagnoli, PAC & Wheeler Yuta) © vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong)

Six Man Tag Team Match
Aaron Solo, Jon Cruz & Rosario Grillo vs. Hook, Katsuyori Shibata & Samoa Joe

Singles Match
Dustin Rhodes vs. MJF

Singles Match
Megan Bayne vs. Maya World

Singles Match
Penelope Ford vs. Kris Statlander

AEW World Tag Team Title Match
The Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) (w/MVP) © vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn)

And more!

Please check your local listings and for more information on how to watch. Card subject to change, enjoy your show!

    29 days ago

    I just recently got into AEW, I’m a former hardcore, now semi-hardcore casual viewer. Triple H’s booking of Cena & Punk coming into Wrestlemania season has been atrocious. It’s mid February, they should have some sort of direction by now.

    So I’m giving AEW a chance, never watched a full episode before, but I thought this was pretty good. There is a serious lack of variety in diversity in the roster though. There needs to be more distinct looks, Giants, High Flyers, Brawlers, etc. Different ring attires and promo approaches. But I’m going to stick with it and see what happens through the spring.

    Oh and also, get Jericho off TV 😭, he’s so washed now bro

    • GeekFTWOPM
      29 days ago

      Oh and also, get Jericho off TV 😭, he’s so washed now bro

      Don’t expect it soon, unfortunately lol. He’s been spending some of his time over on ROH so it hasn’t been as bad Jericho-wise as of late at least (this weeks ROH was filmed on the Jericho Cruise).

      As for the rest: AEW does have a good chunk of what you named, problem is: roster bloat. Some aren’t being booked atm as there’s only so much tv time.

      Giants (not counting Paul Wight cause he should not be wrestling lmao) we got Big Bill, Brody, Luchasaurus and Satnam are the real big boys, but 1 is out injured and 1 is more a supporting character. high flyers they have like 29 of on the mens roster alone, brawlers? they got like 28 on the mens roster alone, etc etc.

      No comment on the attire and promos that does vary lol.

        29 days ago

        Yeah I’m gonna give AEW a go. Still gonna watch WWE, but with how boring the NFL has gotten, I’m gonna add another wrestling show to my viewing schedule.

        Also, why does AEW have so many titles and shows? It’s a similar problem I see with WWE. Mercedes has like 3 belts and I don’t even know which one is the important one, it feels like 2001 all over again 😭. And for the shows, unless WB is paying Khan big money for more programming, I’m getting Thunder vibes from shows like Collision or Rampage (have never watched either). AEW Dark is a nice cool little concept show though.

        I’d also prefer they keep ROH separate from the main show like how NXT is. But that’s just personal preferences. For a new viewer who is completely unfamiliar with this roster outside of guys like Edge, Moxley, Omega, etc. (even AR Fox, followed dude a lot on the indies). It’s overwhelming with the amount of titles and shows for a new viewer, are these shows worth watching and what are the main title I should care about?

        • GeekFTWOPM
          29 days ago

          AEW only has 2 shows at this time, Dynamite and Collision. Rampage ended at the start of the year, and Dark/Dark Elevation were youtube shows which ended years ago. Plus ROH is its own thing, they just use AEW talent along with others hired mainly for ROH, you can skip ROH and not have it really impact your AEW experience (tho, the shows are usually good!).

          Belts, you are spot on lol.

          AEW: Men and women each have a World title. Each have a midcard “TV” title (the TNT, and TBS titles). And the men have the tag, and trios belts.

          The International title was introduced as another midcard mens belt, but its never been clarified where it stands to the TNT title. higher? lower? alongside? why is it diff from the other belt? who knows.

          The Continental Title was a weird attempt at making a triple crown title for AEW’s Continental Classic (their take on NJPW’s G1 Climax round robin tournament) by combining the ROH world title, the NJPW Strong title, and this belt itself (which did not exist before hand so how is it a triple crown?!). Those belts were split from it eventually, so as of right now its just another secondary title somewhere on par to the Intl/TNT titles and however they rank which also gets defended yearly in a round robin tournament.

          ROH has (since I’m here):

          Men and Women’s world title, Men and Women’s midcard belt (TV titles). Men have tag belts, and trios which should be retired or merged with AEW’s trios already. They also have the Pure title which is a special rules division of more technical wrestling.

            29 days ago

            Thank you for the clarification. Ok, I’ll follow Dynamite and if something important is being advertised for Collision I’ll check it out maybe.

            But yeah, as I suspected, there are way too many belts on AEW television for a new viewer to grasp. I’ll just stick with what you said.

            World Title Women’s World Title

            TNT Championship TBS Championship

            Tag Championships

            That’s much easier to follow imo

            • Neon_CarnivoreM
              29 days ago

              The main thing to keep in mind with AEW (especially if you’re coming from WWE) is that AEW is focused far more on match quality and work rate than storylines and title runs.

              The problem of too many titles also (in my opinion) comes from Tony Khan not wanting to de-legitimize Ring of Honor or its championships in respect to its legacy. There’s a good chance AEW wouldn’t exist at all if not for RoH. Rumor is RoH will be getting its own tv deal soon, and we might see more separation between AEW and RoH when that happens.

        • Montagge
          29 days ago

          All but the TBS belt are belts from other promotions that she holds

          And yes please dear what ever deity hears this keep the ROH titles on ROH

          • GeekFTWOPM
            29 days ago

            Still pissed it seemed like they were unifying the ROH/AEW trios belts and they swerved (heh) and ended up not doing it lol

            • Montagge
              29 days ago

              Absolute dog shit idea to not unify them. Can’t even figure out what to do with the AEW belts

      27 days ago

      There’s definitely more diversity than what you saw on this show. They honestly have some of the best high flyers in the game.

      Keep watching, and wait until you see Top Flight or Private Party.