It could be the coldest day in the winter and your window(s) are down like its summer. What’s going on? Ya’ll ok?
Sometimes when you’ve been blasting the heat to keep your car defrosted, opening the window feels amazing. Like switching to the cool side of the pillow.
Define “winter”.
I’ve survived the coldest in the lower 48. Chicago, DC, Baltimore, Philly, etc, winters genwralky don’t get below zero and stay there for 2 months.
Then places like Colorado, Utah, 4 corners states, etc, are pretty mild really. They get cold, but don’t stay cold, and lots of sun.
Montana, the Dakotas, those have bitter winters.
I’m smoking, bruh.
Mice got into the car and shat in the air vents, so no, I’m not ok.
Well, where I live, it never really gets that cold. -32 is the lowest it’s been all year, so…
-32 F or C?
Though that low they’re getting pretty close.
I ran the heater too high with the coat on and don’t want to get all sweaty.
The window keeps fogging up from humidity so I’m trying to get some dry air to circulate.
Doggo farted.
Turn on the heat and turn off recirculating air. Also if it’s bad turn on A/C. You shouldn’t need to open the windows to get dry air inside in winter time.
Opening the window is an immediate solution and completely comfortable while I sort out the AC settings. If it is getting frost on the outside and moisture on the inside, switching away from heat means it frosts back over.
It isn’t an issue with a newer cars where you can set a temp. It is an issue with cars where the temp settings are all manual.
1/2 are good ones, my first car fogged at the slightest bit of humidity, but also I just usually have windows down all seasons. Sometimes it’s just nice, winter night drives the windows are down (summer too but it’s different in the winter)
It’s almost always the first one for me.
I’m in California and it’s 70 degrees during the day.
It feels nice.
I bundle up because it’s cold but my car is warm and the store is warm so I’m too hot and can’t take my coat off
My dog complains if I don’t have at least a back window down, which means the front is also cracked.
Heated seats make it ok.
It’s SoCal, coldest day’s like 60F. Still, live here like most people and you’ll be dressed like a polar bear at 60F too. It is strange how your body likely adapts to the range of temps you experience regularly. I’ve moved here from a colder place twice and both times the low 60’s are still short sleeve tee and shorts weather for around 2 years before the adapted temps kick in and it feels cold.