Meh I have a feeling us pineapple enjoyers may actually like this. Only thing to make me unsure are the seeds. That texture might be odd on a pizza
Edit: typo
Never had a kiwi that has been cooked. But tbh I would probably at least give it a try if someone made it.
I hate sweet tastibg savoury food with a passion that might be my personal final boss.
I’d rather ally with kiwi on pizza people than work with pineapple on pizza haters.
for fucks sake, just let people enjoy their damn food. This existing doesn’t affect you. You can just, not eat it.
Yup, and joke about it for fun.
Heresy!!! The pineapples were a gateway to this abomination, and I know exactly the despair that follows… banging sheboys.
That shit would slap. Sweet and savory just doesn’t jive with some people and that’s fine. For the rest of us we get awesome food like pineapple on pizza. I wish everyone could know the pleasures we do.
team pineapple is just not quite uniting with the haters on this.
Team pineapple has adventurous taste buds.
Yeah, team pineapple might just end up being team kiwi too. That looks great to me
Ew but I’d try it
eh…I’d try it. But knowing that kiwi gets really mushy, I don’t suspect I’d enjoy it. It’s the fibrous nature of pineapple which allows it to stay in-tact after cooking, and kiwi is just going to make a mushy spot.
Maybe oranges could work if they were processed right…
I would disagree. If you roast them like tomatoes on pizze it might work. Consistency I mean. Bet it taste like trash.
Pineapple are like fibrous corpuscles of stored moisture for leftover pizza. A miracle really.
Kiwi would be sauce.
You could bake the pizza and then basically flash fry the kiwi slices seperately, a few minutes before the rest of the pizza is done, either in a seperate oven, or pan, and then throw those fried slices onto the pizza while the cheese is still cooling.
I think I’d enjoy that.
I’ve had ‘fancy’ Hawaiian pizza that had little mandarin orange slices. It didn’t really work. Too juicy, and the orange flavor didn’t mesh well with the rest of it. I’d also try the kiwi pizza just from pure curiosity, but also wouldn’t have very high expectations.
Pineapple is the perfect texture and flavor to go with all the other ingredients.
Meanwhile in Sweden: Enter banana
Brazilian lunch pizza
ITT: People expanding Overton’s window
I know society expects me to dislike a macaroni cheese pizza, but that looks absolutely delicious.
This is the one that bothers me more than anything. This is just cheese bread in disguise but uses four times the dishes to create.
I know, I know. But have you had it?
I was the kid who used to make mashed potato and stuffing sandwiches after thanksgiving, if that’s relevant.
I have and that’s why it frustrates me, because it’s functionally just partially chewed cheese bread in a triangle.
Your second point actually helps me suss out some of my issue. Yes, stuffing and mashed potato sandwich is just carbs on carbs on carbs, but each of those has their own distinct flavor and texture profile. While I wouldn’t stop at just those, you’re only a slab of ham and some cranberry relish away from my traditional Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich.
Mac and pizza though, I wouldn’t put mac and cheese on bread and call it a sandwich. I think my hangup is the Mac and cheese.
It’s definitely not for everyone, but the only thing stopping me from making a mac and cheese sandwich is shame.
I will say, most of the mac and cheese pizzas I’ve had were more enjoyable(for me) than good and the texture is the reason. To do it well, you basically just need a good thick cheese sauce that coats the noodles well enough to insulate them from getting simultaneously soggy and burnt, but the best sauce for that is not the best sauce for standard mac and cheese
Fucking delicious.
I completely turned around on these recently. Most also mix in pineapple.
The combo I don’t understand here is the banana+cheese
That combo isn’t the appeal, it’s the curry that gets enhanced by the banana. Those two with tomato sauce and the salty peanuts are great.
Can’t say that i’ve ever tried it without cheese, so i wouldn’t even know if it was worse or not.
The combo of cheese-meat-curry-peanuts-tomato of course works without any fruit added.
I’m weirdly not grossed out by the half-hour l flavor/texture combo, just seems too rich.
Oh no…
Plantain I could go for but dessert banana is a bridge too far. Caramelized plantains actually sounds like an excellent pizza topping.
War crime.
Eww why are the Swedes so weird
What’s wrong, babe? You’ve hardly touched your kiwizza
As if pizza normally didn’t upset my stomach enough
Ever since I saw this joke I have wanted to try kiwi pizza. I like kiwi. I like pineapple on pizza. Maybe kiwi on pizza is even better.
If we’re talking pizzas that haven’t been made, but probably should.
Ham and apple. The apple should be added cold after the pizza is taken out from the oven. Never seen it done, but it should work.
Ooh, I like… I think you might want to add some sharp cheddar.
Midwesterner spotted.
There are lots of recipes online for pizzas with different kinds of fruit and meat. Pear with prosciutto and blue cheese is really good.
Well, why don’t you go and try it yourself before getting others involved?
Why don’t you join the fun instead? Gimmie a pizza suggestion instead of this weak lambasting.
How about I give you a pizza this
Aardvark fist on pizza it is. I’ll try anything twice.
A pizza place here makes spaghetti pizza, yup like a 1/2" layer of spaghetti(with sauce) under the cheese…
It’s not very good :/
Spaghetti belongs in a taco, not a pizza.
… dad?
But, now hear me out… What if the spaghetti taco is then placed on a pizza?
Taco Town!
A place near me does this. It’s the worst. The spaghetti is chewy because it’s dehydrated from being grilled.
This is worse than the Mac and cheese pizza and twice as confusing.
Fuck it, slice me off a piece
I would eat the shit out of that