Elon Musk condemned rising vandalism against Tesla, blaming the political left and suggesting a conspiracy against him.
He cited incidents of arson, gunfire, and property destruction at Tesla dealerships, linking them to protests against his work with DOGE.
Trump and the DOJ have labeled the attacks “domestic terrorism,” vowing arrests.
Some Tesla owners are selling their vehicles or adding bumper stickers distancing themselves from Musk, who defended Tesla as a “peaceful company,” saying “I’ve never done anything harmful.”
Psychopath playing the victim.
Dude just cut lifesaving money for starving children a week ago.
“iVe nEver dOnE aNytHiNg hArMFuL”
The rich deserve daisies.
Homeless go home
“I’m not bad. I just tell people to do bad things and they do it. Why are you mad at me?”
I know this guy is a bit autistic, but he can’t be that dumb.
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to clarify, one can absolutely determine themselves to have autism, but the reason most people go that route is because they can’t afford or haven’t got access to resources for an official diagnosis…
…of which he has plenty. he’s not autistic; he’s a sociopathic piece of shit who thinks branding himself as autistic will earn him sympathy points, like keeping a child wrapped around his shoulders will keep him from being luigi’d.
honestly as somone who has autism, most people who diagnose themselves don’t have it
I mean I’m no expert and I’m not going to paint in as big of brushstrokes, but after being diagnosed myself and after reading Unmasking Autism I feel more comfortable in discerning who does and doesn’t have it, and I don’t think he has it. I think he’s just lacking empathy.
There are just a ton of online tests now. Every time my wife and I take one, it says I’m definitely not on the spectrum but it tells my wife something along the lines of “you might want to get checked”. We don’t take that as a diagnosis though. I feel like this could possibly be another example of how we started seeing more left handed people in society after it was no longer stigmatized.
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Yup he’s one of those people. I have 2 kids on the ASD spectrum. The Internet is full of asshats who self diagnose with that and ADD (of which I and my 2 boys have been diagnosed).
Although I commend them on the positive aspects of getting to know yourself better and maybe you don’t have the means to get a formal diagnosis, without it anything you spout is easy to dismiss.
Also to Elmo being autistic. I tell both my boys “Just because you have autism it doesn’t entitle you to be an asshole”. I wish Errol and his wife ingrained that in their kids but clearly they didn’t and from what I see the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Who cares if he’s autistic?? I only know 2 autistic people. They are the gentlest people I know. They are the least likely to display a Nazi salute, they don’t assume control of governments, and they aren’t involved in cutting off people’s much needed funding. I’m so tired of hearing “Elon" and “autistic" in the same breath. If conservatives really believe the shit he does should be excused because he’s “autistic”, then he isn’t competent FULL STOP
he’s not even autistic, just a sociopathic nepo baby piece of shit
I can believe that.
“I was just giving orders.”
You’re a fucking neo-nazi who ruined the livelyhood of tens of thousands of people, many of them veterans who had served the county and became wounded in the process. All so you could set aside more of the US budget for kick backs to yourself and cronies.
Then he’s fucking dumber than I thought. And I already thought he made rocks look fucking brilliant.
Only stochastic terrorism. A nazi salute here and there. Spreading some racism and queerphobia every now and then. Opening the sewer gates to let in all the nazis on his social media platform. Exploiting some labour in the third world for his personal gain. Buying out politicians and the press in the detriment of the people.
Other than that, yeah, he hasn’t done anything harmful.
This is coming from the guy who literately waved a fucking chainsaw up at CPAC.
Yep. Fuck this fucking fucker.
Though I think it is important to add that he has also illegally broken into many different government organizations without access or permission. Causing them to be unable to do their job serving the American public. He’s hurt thousands if not millions of people already.
He’s a sociopath, and like a good sociopath, he’s trying to elicit empathy in others for personal gain. He’s even said empathy is a weakness of Western civilization that can be exploited, and that’s exactly what these crocodile tears are designed to do. He’s even has an army of PR people he normally would ignore if his Tesla stock wasn’t tanking.
Like three days ago no less
The whiplash…
*elicit (though the way he does it is definitely illicit)
And did a Nazi salute, and literally fired tens of thousands of people for no fucking reason. I hope he’s just pretending to be surprised and not actually this dense.
And let’s not forget about the emerald mine, and stealing Tesla, and environment harm.
He didn’t steal Tesler. He was such an obscenely shitty person to have to deal with the founders literally sold out to not have to deal with him anymore.
Well, it’s no better than stealing, tbh.
It’s funnier though.
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Apparently, he is not as smart as we were led to believe.
From the guy who literally said “Hitler didn’t harm anyone”
Then we know what his standard is: he means he’s no more harmful than Hitler.
Well, he didn’t physically cut anyone on stage with it… /s
Which is more pathetic. The idea that he really thinks he is a good person or the idea that he can tell a lie like that and someone might believe him who isn’t just as pathetic as him?
As ridiculous as it is with him, noone is a villain in their own story.
He knows exactly what he did to anger others. So he’s just lying about the shock. It really is that simple. Of course he thinks his actions were justified, but that’s a different issue.
I can accept a cluster B freak like him might really think he has done nothing wrong. Someone with severe NPD cannot admit fault.
If that many people kiss your ass an dtell you it smells like roses down there, your ego might get out of hand.
Get fucked you Hitler saluting fascist.
he said. “We’ve never done anything harmful.”
He’s personally seen to the loss of tens of thousands (hundreds now perhaps) of jobs has no signs of stopping, stopping nutritional aid to those that need it most, and has even made comments about going after Social Security which serves our societies most vulnerable. Elon, how on Earth are you so clueless to see that all this hate is directly from your actions.
I’d even argue people may not have cared for Tesla, but the fact that Musk directly benefits monetarily makes Tesla a target.
A perfect example: Musk also was partial creator of Paypal even though he sold his interest in it a long time ago and has no association with it now. While lots of folks don’t like Paypal for a number of reasons, I don’t hear one peep of people ditching paypal because Musk had a hand in its creation.
Dude literally harassed and tried to ruin the life of a guy who saved a bunch of trapped kids in a cave. Never did anything harmful my ass.
Elon, how on Earth are you so clueless to see that all this hate is directly from your actions.
Such is life when you are empathy free…
And, likely, a sociopath to boot.
🤦♀️ 🤷♂️ 🙄 🖕 🖕
He’s not clueless, he’s using this as an opportunity to play the victim and paint “the left” as the real problem. It’s all for Fox news viewers and the ignorant and it’s going to work. These people are masters at propaganda and manipulation. It’s disgusting how effective they’ve been
Sure it’s going to work. The American right is a lost cause of lead-huffing morons. They’d open up wide if Musk said he was going to shit in their mouths and chugged a milkshake made of Taco Bell and Diablo sauce on the way to do it.
Listened to a bit of a recent Joe Rogan visit he had. He plays it like the attacks are coming from the deep state hidden in bureaucracy as if those programs had no positive impact on people’s lives
Meanwhile this man is literally the deep state within the bureaucracy right now.
Elon, the Nazi snowflake
Those two words are the same thing. Like The Los Angeles Angels.
The worst part is, he probably fucking believes that.
That’s how out of touch he is
He knows that his actions have killed people. He knew that he was cutting USAIDand he knows now that people have died because of those loss of services. That’s not a secret. And by now he knows that some people have been cut off from social security because they were declared dead when they’re still alive, which again is harming people.
Of course he might say that those changes were necessary or reasonable or accidental. But whatever the explanation, he knows that his actions have harmed people.
And if you’d like to take a different look at it, just think about how he’s described damage to the economy. He has openly said that he thinks the economy is going to get worse before it gets better, because of the changes that he and Trump have enacted. Here again, you can make an argument that he believes in the long run things will be better than they were in the past. I don’t think that’s true, but even if you do, it’s still openly acknowledging that he made things worse for many in the short term.
Can’t remember where I heard it but someone posited this to me and it stuck: Nobody ever does anything they believe is wrong.
If you take that at face value then how you explain evil is that a person has justified to themselves that death, suffering, pain, and unhappiness are all balanced against what they believe is the right way things should be. I can’t imagine being in a ecosystem of people where the things I believe start justifying the way these people behave. But, I’m not a billionaire. Or religious.
I feel like that quote is easily wrong. Hell, I’ve done things I know are wrong (on small, minor things, like leaving work 15 minutes early and not taking leave or calling in sick when I’m not, because fuck it).
Then again, I guess I don’t think it’s entirely wrong, either. Because yeah, there are lots of people who truly believe their unethical/immoral actions are in the right. But I also think those people are often victims of indoctrination and/or they are sociopaths.
No one is the bad guy in their own story.
Morality isn’t black and white. Anything that happens has good and bad. Personally, I believe that many can’t understand the balance of side effects with the greater good. It’s something doctors literally have to balance every day. Every medication and treatment has side effects and risks. Even taking Tylenol. So they have to balance “this vaccine might cause x” with “but this will keep the kid alive and a kid with x is still better than a dead kid.”
But I’m sure they could say the same about me. If Musk really believed their was fraud and waste in government. The pain and suffering of those he is firing and those who are being hurt by his policies are the side effects. In his mind, he thinks he’s the good guy. He thinks what he is doing is the “right thing” from his perspective.
I would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t believe the government should efficient and without fraud and waste. But since it’s literally filled with people who believe that, it’s far more efficient than certain media portray it as.
In regards to you leaving work early or calling off, if your world view taking care of yourself is doing the right thing. And sometimes you need to “do something wrong” like leaving work early in order to do the right thing like taking care of yourself.
The government shouldn’t be run as a business. That’s a lie that’s been told to us for far too long. How many people hate their jobs? Do people really want to hate being a citizen as well?
I firmly believe Government is a collective tool to take care of it’s citizens. It’s to protect them from individuals who want to hurt and take advantage of them. To protect them from foreign actors who want to influence and hurt them. To take care of their medical problems. To take care of their security, such as housing and food. To provide them with the collective infrastructure their daily lives need, like roads, water, electricity, trash services, and gas. To take care of their education. To create a fair playing field giving everyone an opportunity to achieve their dreams.
I don’t believe that capitalism cannot be a part of that. But it cannot be unbridled and unregulated. Private businesses have literally no obligation or incentive to provide a service or good if they can get money without doing so. They have no incentive to provide it cheaply. Their only incentive to being efficient is so that the people at the top can make more.
If governments take that approach, the people at the top like the President are the ones who get more money. And we the citizens, the employees, are used and abused.
Paying taxes, in my opinion, should be a source of pride. You should be able to look around at the roads, ambulances, parks, playgrounds, hospitals, and schools and say “I did that.” You should look at your neighbor smiling and say “hell yea, I helped them.”
Will some people try and take advantage of a government like that? Yea, of course. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help the 99% of those that need it to keep 1% of people defrauding us. We should identify ways people do, find ways to single them out and address them. And even if someone gets away with it, I believe that is worth it so the other 99% are taken care of.
Well then, let me be the first for you. I don’t think the government should be without fraud and waste. I think it is inevitable for a large government to have some. Better to give people too many food stamps than too few. Better to have too many free student lunches. Better to have extra pension payments. I 100% support not worrying too much about small money inefficiency or waste. Aiming for perfect efficiency and zero fraud on that level guarantees that you will be killing people, making them homeless, or destroying their education.
It’s the rich bastards who steal our money and freedom that we need to stop. The military contracts. The Starlink. The tax fraud by Google and Amazon and Coca Cola and every other large corporation. That shit is what I think almost everyone in the country wishes we could eliminate.
I’m not saying perfection. That’s my last sentence. The fraud of by a small number of people is worth it if it means more people are helped.
It doesn’t make sense to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to prevent fraud of hundreds of dollars.
I agree with your conclusion. It was the statement in the middle, where you said you would be hard-pressed to find people who wanted the government to be efficient and without waste, that’s the statement where I’m telling you that here I am saying I don’t need a government that’s efficient and I don’t mind a government that has some waste. I really don’t.
What I do mind is a government that’s inefficient and wasteful in ways that are throwing money at the rich. That’s something I mind a lot. Certainly we both agree that we shouldn’t be trying to crack down so hard that we’re depriving people of support that they clearly ought to be receiving based on the law and morality.
Let me go an obvious step farther. Suppose there’s some office somewhere that has 100 employees and they might be able to get by with 95 if they streamlined their process. And maybe those employees are making $40K or $60K whatever. I’m just not hugely worried about that 5% inefficiency. I’m happy enough knowing that they’re probably supporting themselves and pushing that money right back into the local community. I’m also happy knowing that if you tried to replace them with a private company, it would cost twice as much and you would get a fraction of the service. People love to talk about the magic number, efficiency, but most of us are not living to be efficient. We have other goals in life. The actually important things. That’s what our governments should be pushing for. When efficiency is a reasonable step towards making life better for the people who live in that country, then we can focus on efficiency, but we should never ever think that efficiency is the goal when so often it’s the opposite of the goal.
Oh I totally agree.
When I say efficiency, I’m talking about quickly providing service. I expect the USPS to be efficient in that they deliver the mail without sending something around the country pointlessly and that they deliver it quickly. Efficient in that appointments are easy to get. Efficient in that applications are processed in a timely fashion.
I don’t want meaningless busy work or pointless paperwork. I honestly don’t think there is a lot of that anyway. These aren’t things that federal workers want or administrators would set up to purposely be obtuse. (Other than those purposely trying to sabotage agencies for privatization. But I’m good with my tax money going to more federal workers. Those people aren’t getting rich on their government salaries.
Same. In fact I worry about how often I feel like I’m sometimes slacking at work, but generally my numbers look good. I warned my boss not to spoil me because I can fall into bad habits.