
Welcome to Lemmy.zip

About Lemmy

Lemmy is a federated social link aggregation and discussion platform. It’s being developed by the Lemmy devs

About Federation

What does federation mean?

It means Lemmy is using a protocol (Activitypub) which makes it possible for all Lemmy servers to interact with each other.

  • You can search and view communities on remote servers from here
  • You can create posts in remote communities
  • You can respond to remote posts
  • You will be notified (if you wish) of comments on your remote posts
  • You can follow Lemmy users/communities on other platforms that also use the Activitypub protocol like Mastodon
  • Please note that a server only starts indexing a server/community once it has been interacted with by a user of this server.

About Lemmy.zip

Lemmy.zip is a Lemmy server aimed at welcoming all and providing a space for all types of topics and discussions, with maybe a slant towards technology and all things related. We are one of the many servers hosting the Lemmy software.

Quick Start Guide

- Feed

Your feed may look relatively empty when you first join, with just the Lemmy.zip posts available. This is because by default your view is set to "Local". You can use the options at the top of your feed to see more posts.

  • "Subscribed" will show you the communities you have subscribed to.
  • "Local" will show just posts from communities that are local to Lemmy.zip.
  • "All" will show posts from all communities that have been subscribed to by members of Lemmy.zip from across all servers.

You can also sort your feed by different options, such as "Active", "Hot", and "New".

I fully recommend "Hot" for a good turnover of posts in your feed.

You can set the default Sort and Type in your user settings to your taste.

  • If you can’t see your own posts in the feed, go to your settings and make sure Show Read Posts is turned ON!


We are now a NSFW enabled instance, which means there may be NSFW content in the Local and All categories if you leave NSFW enabled in your account. If you do not wish to view NSFW content make sure you toggle off Show NSFW content under your Settings.

Another option is to select “Block Community” from the sidebar, when on the specific community. Once you have done that you will never see it again!

- Searching

In the top menu, you’ll see the search icon. There, you can search for posts, communities etc. You can just enter a search-word and it will find the Post-titles, post-content, communities etc containing that word that the server knows of. So any content any user of this server ever interacted with.

You can also search for a community by it’s link, e.g. !lemmy@lemmy.ml or its URL, e.g. https://[email protected]. Even if the server hasn’t ever seen that community, it will look it up remotely. Sometimes it takes some time for it to fetch the info (and displays ‘No results’ meanwhile…) so just be patient and search a second time after a few seconds. Please note search time may be increase if remote servers are experiencing high loads.

For a more in depth list of remote communities, you can visit browse.feddit.de or Lemmyverse search. From there you can copy your chosen communities URL and search for it in Lemmy.zip.

- Communities

You can subscribe to any community on another server and post/comment on that server, all from this instance. Once you’ve subscribed, this server will continue to pull the latest content from that community through to here.

The subscribe button is on the top right of the community. Click this will federate Lemmy.zip with that community.

You can create a community on this server too (there is no restriction on creating communities on Lemmy.zip, unlike some other instances) and anyone else will be able to subscribe to your community.

You can see all of the instances we’ve federated with by going here or clicking instances in the footer of the webpage.

Creating a community? Once you’ve created your community, you can advertise it via a couple of different communities dedicated to sharing new communties.

There is no problem with having similar communities across instances, as each can host its own discussions, but it may be a good idea to search for a community before creating it as you may find a group that has already done some of the legwork for you.

While this instance is primarily focussed around game and tech related communities, please don’t feel restricted to that. Any topic is fine (and encouraged!) as long as it adheres to the general instance rules.

On Lemmy.zip, anyone can create a Community and become its moderator by default. It takes very little effort to create but requires a little bit of commitment to looking after it. You can always choose to remove yourself as moderator (and ideally hand it off to someone else) or delete it completely if needed.

- Funding

Lemmy.zip will never run ads, sell user data, or generate income in a way that isn’t clear and agreed by the community.

Therefore if you’re enjoying using Lemmy.zip please consider a small donation to help us keep going for the longer term.

You can find out more information or see who has been kind enough to donate by clicking here!

- Moderating

The Admins for Lemmy.zip are as follows:

You can see mod actions via the this link or by clicking modlog at the bottom of the page.

- Mobile Applications

We have a dedicated mobile/tablet site for those who don’t want to download an app. This is a webapp and can be saved to your phone’s home screen for easy access.

You can navigate to this site by going to m.lemmy.zip

If you’d prefer a native app, a full list of apps for every platform can be found by clicking here.

An alternative website is also here, where you can filter by platform or type: https://lemmyapps.netlify.app

These should all work with Lemmy.zip without any issues.

- Joining Lemmy.zip

Currently there are no restrictions on joining this server. Anyone is free to join as long as they continue to follow the rules in the sidebar.

Please interact with Lemmy after you’ve joined. The more interactions, the better Lemmy will be (plus, it helps out Lemmy.zip too!)

- Help or Support

If you ever feel you need help or support while on Lemmy.zip, or you’ve seen something that isn’t right or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can send Sami or Demigodrick a message and we will confidentially help. We both have secure messaging links in our profile if you’d rather message with encryption, or you can send an email to [email protected] and we’ll respond that way. We’re always here to help.

- Thank you!

Thank you for joining Lemmy.zip. Please remember, the most important thing is that you enjoy yourself!

  • @rooq
    131 year ago

    The domain name made me join :)

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      81 year ago

      I thought it was quite a cool URL! I got lots of people telling me off for using .zip though

      • @darkstar
        1 year ago

        Why did they tell you off for using it?

        Edit: I think its pretty awesome honestly

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          31 year ago

          I think some people are worried that it could be used to scam people, i.e. please download this invoice.zip file, but it actually leads to a website etc. There are extra securities with .zip domains so google is trying to block that from happening.

          • @darkstar
            11 year ago

            Oh right, that actually makes sense. Will this be an issue for the instance going forward do you think?

            • DemigodrickOPMA
              41 year ago

              I dont think so - i took a gamble picking the name but i found it the most “fun”. Definitely helps us to stand out a bit!

              • @darkstar
                11 year ago

                Agreed, I think its awesome !

  • @Efwis
    61 year ago

    Thanks for this system, already like the looks a little better than I expected. Also thank you for this post for us newbies to the fediverse.

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      11 year ago

      Hey, no problem! Welcome :) if there are any questions you have pop them here and I can add the answers above.

      • @Efwis
        211 months ago

        Is it possible for me to make a community on here for some Linux troubleshooting/scripts? (Non malicious of course.) I don’t believe in hacking others computers, but I do believe in helping them.

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          111 months ago

          Absolutely, that’s fine :)

  • Firestorm Druid
    1 year ago

    Hey there, found your instance in a comment on /r/lemmy. Thanks for doing this!

    Is there an FAQ or something similar posted here somewhere? Or do you have any other resources you could recommend for a long-time reddit user?

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      31 year ago

      Hey, welcome! I’ve updated the post with some info and will be adding more. Let me know if you have any specific questions though.

      • Firestorm Druid
        1 year ago

        Just read it - thanks a bunch. You mention that there currently are no restrictions on adding communities to lemmy.zip. How would I know if I’m creating a duplicate to an already existing “subreddit” community? And do you know of any way to combine these communities to avoid the existence of many duplicates?

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          41 year ago

          There is a really helpful resource at https://browse.feddit.de/ - type a community name in there and it should show you all instances of that community. If its not already on the list you’re welcome to create it here. It does take a few seconds to search all the instances so some patience is required!

          • @WhatASave
            21 year ago

            This was my first question after reading the post. Especially with so many people flocking to lemmy to start up their communities, there will be TONS of duplicates.

  • @jphaynes1966
    61 year ago

    I found this on Reddit as well. Thanks for putting this up! I am looking forward to these communities growing outside of Reddit.

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      41 year ago

      Welcome along! Glad you’re here :)

  • @Hiru
    411 months ago

    New here, first interaction, hello everyone!

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      211 months ago

      Hello and welcome :)

  • Xathonn
    41 year ago

    Hello, I just joined this instance. I’m not the type that can do the moderation but I hope someone will make a dnd community on Lemmy. There is one on Kbin but there isn’t a good mobile app for that.

      • Xathonn
        21 year ago

        Oh cool, must have missed that. I hope Jerboa gets some updates since it seems you can’t really see the list of instances if you aren’t subbed to them. Also can’t reply directly from inbox

  • unker73
    41 year ago

    Hi from Singapore

      • unker73
        1 year ago

        How do I subscribe to topic/community (!gunners) on another lemmy (dotworld) instance?

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          41 year ago

          You can paste the link for the community into the search bar, it takes a little while to appear but it will come up, then click the link to the community. Then there will be a subscribe option to join the community. If its not working you can paste the link here and I’ll have a look at it

          • unker73
            31 year ago

            Thank you. Figured out the subscribe option is in the sidebar button

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      21 year ago

      Hey, have you subscribed to the community over there?

      • @Jobe1105
        11 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @zee2
          11 year ago

          Interesting is it depending on the other instance? like does lemmy.ml not work and lemmy.world does?

          • DemigodrickOPMA
            11 year ago

            So I’ve made a tweak to the server settings, hopefully that should resolve some of the issues.

            The only other thing is that someone needs to be subscribed to that community to bring its updated posts over to lemmy.zip, otherwise the server doesn’t bother looking for that info as it doesn’t think anyone is interested.

            • Firestorm Druid
              1 year ago

              Piggybacking off the person’s comment, I’m having a similar issue here. I subscribed to a community outside lemmy.zip and have it show up in Jerboa. I can comment normally, but all the posts in the community show up as no-upvote-no-comment posts even though I can see that they have engagement in the browser version of the community.

              My comment did actually show up in the thread, but I did not see a single comment that was originally there. You can have a look at my recent comment if you’re interested.

              Edit: The one about Magic the Gathering fyi

              • DemigodrickOPMA
                1 year ago

                I’ve checked and upped the server federation settings but I don’t think it’s that. I’ve checked the lemmy github and can see similar issues, such as this one: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3101

                I think this is a general Lemmy bug so I’ll keep an eye on this and keep the community updated now I know about it. I’ll keep doing some digging and update the known issues when I know more.

                Please keep letting me know of any issues!

                Edit: i have logged on github too

                • Firestorm Druid
                  1 year ago

                  Thanks a bunch for the feedback, insight, and help. Let’s hope this gets resolved soon. :)

    • @brandon
      11 year ago

      I’m having trouble with that as well, but it’s probably the kind of thing that will iron itself out over the next couple days as server capacity gets added to these different instances and some of the initial interest wanes.

  • Footnote2669
    31 year ago

    This post is a godsend, thanks

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      21 year ago

      No problem, and welcome :)

      • Footnote2669
        21 year ago

        One question though… To my understanding, if the server disappeared, so would my account. It sounds kind of risky. Should I have multiple accounts or…? Also, you’d give us a heads up if something like that were to happen right? Haha

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          1 year ago

          Yeah that’s true, the same of any Lemmy server. You can have multiple accounts if you want, it’s an entirely free platform to do so!

          In terms of this server, it’s got 12 months worth of credit on it, so there isn’t any concern about it lasting. If user numbers were to shoot up then I’d turn off user registration to ensure performance and keep the cost in check.

          I’m not looking to do any fundraising/donation stuff either, but it’s always a possibility if the costs become extreme.

          Edit: and yes, if it was to shut down there would be plenty of warning! In planning to be entirely transparent with the community, so I’ll put some posts up about the server at some point in the near future.

          • Footnote2669
            21 year ago

            Awesome! Thanks for clarification :)

          • @brandon
            11 year ago

            Apologies if you’ve already answered this, but after the dust settles from the protests at Reddit, have you thought about posting some high levels stats about your Lemmy instance, performance, etc.? I’d be really interested in seeing how performance scales with lots of users and what kind of hardware is required.

            • DemigodrickOPMA
              21 year ago

              Yeah, it’s something I’m planning to do. I love looking at that stuff myself so can share it all here.

  • @Cathasach
    31 year ago

    Just saw this on the Linux Gaming subreddit. Glad this is a thing cause I tried to sign up for .ml and noticed it was not accepting new sign ups and this post is a great explainer for how this site works.

    • @darkstar
      21 year ago

      Agreed, this post allowed me to understand more about how lemmy works

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      21 year ago

      Welcome :) Glad it helped!

  • LiveLM
    211 months ago

    Wassup 👋

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      211 months ago

      Hey, welcome along!

  • Altima NEO
    211 months ago

    Oh dang, didnt know we had a mobile site!

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      311 months ago

      As they make more of them I’ll try to make all the options available too, not just voyager!

  • @Neykuratick
    1 year ago

    Ok, so I singed up on lemmy.zip, but the community I want to contribute appearantly belongs to lemmy.ml (!politicalhumor). Do I have to log in there? If yes, then how if the logging button “loads” indefenetely?

    Thanks for the help in advance!! And sorry for the noob question

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      21 year ago

      Hey, as I don’t think anyone subscribed to it yet we’ve not pulled the posts through, you can go to the search page (little magnifingy glass icon) and paste the link to their webpage (https://lemmy.ml/c/politicalhumor). It will say no results for a big after you hit search, that’s normal! Eventually a link will pop up and probably say 0 subscribers. Click that and it’ll take you to the page, and then you can hit subscribe there. It will then subscribe you to that community. I hope that makes sense but let me know if you need any help with it.

  • agustinh88
    211 months ago

    Hello there! New user here

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      211 months ago

      Hey, welcome along! :)

      • agustinh88
        111 months ago

        Thank you very much. Have a doubt, can I follow other communities from another instances?

        • DemigodrickOPMA
          211 months ago

          Yes you can! Just search for the community you want to follow and subscribe to it. All the posts will then be pulled through to this instance.

  • @DeadlyEssence01
    21 year ago

    I seem to have one hang-up: When I try to login, if there’s a trailing space on my username, the login button just loads infinitely instead of denying access. So I usually just think it’s taking a second and do something else, only to forget and come back to it and realize that I messed up my username. It’s not a big deal at all, but thought I’d mention it as an FYI anyway.

    • DemigodrickOPMA
      21 year ago

      Thanks for this - defo a bug on Lemmy’s part as you can’t have spaces in a username, so they should be trimmed off the end. I’ll see about logging it on github