1.“Federal agencies have the authority to intervene in protests, picket signs, or blockades. The law is impartial: it must be enforced without exception.”

2.“Federal forces are not required to have judicial oversight for their actions.”

3.“Forces are not obligated to consider alternative entrances or pathways. If the main path is blocked, their duty is to clear it.”

4.“This action continues until the flow of traffic is fully restored.”

5.“To carry out these acts, forces will use the minimum necessary force, which is sufficient and proportional to the situation they are addressing.”

6.“Instigators and organizers of the protest will be identified.”

7.“Vehicles used in the protest will be identified and subjected to citations or penalties.”

8.“Data of the instigators, accomplices, participants, and organizers will be transmitted to the authorities through appropriate channels.”

9.“Notices will be sent to the judge in cases of damage, such as burning flags.”

10.“In cases involving minors, relevant authorities will be notified, and the guardians of these youths who bring them to these demonstrations will face sanctions and punishment.”

11.“The costs incurred by security operations will be borne by the responsible organizations or individuals. In cases involving foreigners with provisional residency, information will be forwarded to the National Directorate of Immigration.”

12.“A registry will be created for organizations that participate in these types of actions.”

  • rottingleaf
    10 months ago

    Ah, ancaps are weird. Part of them actually likes Latin American dictatorships and this kind of thing exactly because of the state not pretending to have any mandate but force.

    Source - I’m a libertarian (not culturally of that group of ancaps, cause they tend to be fans of something far away and not try and build a working system at least among themselves ; makes them similar to tankies in the sense of “we can’t build our utopia without killing all the problematic people first”).

    • Krause [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      Source - I’m a libertarian

      I’m not a lawyer but I don’t think Megan’s Law applies to Lemmy, you don’t need to say this

    • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
      10 months ago

      ancaps, cause they tend to be fans of something far away and not try and build a working system at least among themselves ; makes them similar to tankies

      Your ignorance is so cute. You don’t even know where you are or who you are talking to! You should stick around and read more about who “tankies” are, and maybe ask questions.

      • rottingleaf
        10 months ago

        I know where I am, just enjoying my life which involves tickling kitties and making fun of tankies.

        • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          Myself I prefer dogs but it seems our lives are rather analogous since I also like making fun of lolberts. You and I aren’t too different you see.

          • rottingleaf
            10 months ago

            And you appear to think that’s a joke, while in fact one can’t pick a better ideology to be smarter.

            To learn to sing you have to sing, no other way.

            It doesn’t really matter where you start on that “political compass” or something, only the attitude.

            Which is why saying I’m a libertarian was a bit stretched, I just fit there more by some formal traits. I had my moments of obsession with many other ideologies and I’ll surely have those in future.

            • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
              10 months ago

              I didn’t pick being a marxist and an ideology cannot be treated like a fashion statement as you’ve said. It also isn’t something you can just pick and adhere to as if it’s a club. And the “political compass” has always been a terrible “tool” (more so of a toy) to describe any leanings. You can’t apply a label to yourself by yourself, someone else must do that for you by seeing you for who you are. I’ve been called a commie a few times, but most of the time people don’t even know what a communist is or what they stand for. So I am able to talk commie to normal people (whatever a normal person is) without outright saying I’m a red and so I avoid their redscare conditioning and can have an engaging conversation.

              You remind me of myself. I’ve been a “libertarian” too, not the popular type we like to make fun of here, but the guy you are describing as yourself. But I kept progressing in learning and educating myself, studying history and what existed in the real world, so applying dialectical materialism before even knowing what it was. It was until I’ve decided:

              “Okay enough is enough, time to learn my enemy for who he is and what he stands for so that I may better combat him!”

              And then after a while I’ve had my i-get-it moment. I’ve realized that everything I was standing for as this libertarian championing human freedom, expression, progress and development towards that in a scientific and realistic way was what the dirty pinkos were standing for as well. I’ve learned along that journey and the only thing left for me at that moment was to accept that I might just be a dirty pinko too.

              I wonder where you will end up, but please never tell yourself you are going to avoid certain material or knowledge just because you dislike the people behind that. Hell I believe communists must be studying fascism to better understand what it is and how to defend ourselves against it. For example I dismiss Mein Kampf not because Hitler wrote it, but because it’s a shit work with nonsense inside. Largely a waste of time that will not help in understanding Nazi germany, a better alternative would be study Lebensraum and how it parallels to Manifest Destiny and such.

              Learning about this stuff can not only help you develop but also prosper. I have hope you won’t side alongside fascism, seeing as you already dislike whatever the fuck Milei is doing.

              I’ll surely have those in future

              Once you’ve realized that you can’t join an ideology as if it’s a club or fashion statement, you can’t really adhere to it. You will stand out and be an outcast in said group, and among libertarians you are one. I know that because I’ve been that libertarian outcast too.

              I wish you best, and I hope you stick around. Just be know the bears tend to be bullies as they’ve engaged with the talking points you might present a million times already. Hell most of us live in the imperial core, we engage with this shit on the daily. I suggest you engage in an earnest way to suck out genuine answers of who we are.

              • rottingleaf
                10 months ago

                Well. I already don’t have problems with putting myself in some unexpected kind of footwear. And it’s even been ML.

                • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
                  10 months ago

                  I already don’t have problems with putting myself in some unexpected kind of footwear.

                  Keep at it!

                  And it’s even been ML.

                  Eh I somewhat doubt that since you still engage in much of idealism in the commments of this post, some of the unfortunately being somewhat reactionary. Being ML is not just being around GenZedong or ChapoTrapHouse or their lemmyverse successors. It’s studying history, theory and applying that in praxis. I can call myself a commie and others can call me too, but in reality I’m just a bookshelf for now. ( uncle-ho would be dissapointed 😭)

                  I’ve yet to engage in outright commie praxis due to art. 256 of the Polish penal codex, and I’ve yet to apply it, even if possibly unsuccessfully.

                  I suggest you engage with ML ideas yet again, but now more formally by reading theory, studying socialist history (avoid websites like cia.gov and anngothatistotallynotafrontforthecia.org) and checking out whatever the fuck the communists around you are up to. In Poland most of them are useless trots unfortunately so I’m very dissapointed on that, I’ve got more hope in unions independent from Solidarność getting traction since building up class consciousness would be the priority in this country.

                  There is one important question I have for you. Have you read these works?

                  The Principles of Communism by Frederick Engels

                  Socialism Utopian and Scientific also by Engels

                  Critique of the Gotha Programme by Karl Marx

                  Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin

                  If not please do so, and I could list some more and even tell you to read the first volume of Capital but I value your time so I chose these as they are rather short. However if you don’t feel like reading all of these than I ask of you to just read the Principles. It’s the shortest work and is easily digestible, Engels was a great writer in this regard.

                  I’m also not asking you to become or trying to make you a commie right away, that is something that just plain stupid. I just want you to learn and see what you can take from these works for yourself to be a better person and to learn more about who communists actually are. Knowledge is a tool after all. And in the end if you do end up a commie then lol, lmao you’ve got got xdddddddddd

                  Also if you are American, there is one key work I must say any American must read no matter who they are. The Civil Rights movement was one of the most important ones in that countries history that is now being whitewashed by DC and this struggle, the pain and suffering these people endured must not be forgotten.

                  Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton

                  • rottingleaf
                    10 months ago

                    My ML, eh, experience was more about Trotskyism and a bit of ansyn, coupled with reading Wiener’s “Cybernetics” and some optimism about future.

                    I’ve read parts and excerpts of these, but none in one piece at one time, so - why not.

                    Not American, but thx.

                    In Poland most of them are useless trots unfortunately so I’m very dissapointed on that, I’ve got more hope in unions independent from Solidarność getting traction since building up class consciousness would be the priority in this country.

                    I mean, they are OK, just too busy fighting each other and imagining solutions simpler than practical.

                    Pluralism in unions (I’d also say party organizations) - many times yes.

            • BelieveRevolt [he/him]@hexbear.net
              10 months ago

              Libertarianism is a joke because it’s never cleared the low bar of it existing in a meaningful capacity in the real world. You can say whatever about gorillion dead 1984 Animal Farm and whatever tired cliches, at least there have been and continue to be ML states in the real world. The most libertarians have ever managed was one American town before they were overrun by bears.

              • rottingleaf
                10 months ago

                That just means it’s a less viral ideology. It’s a different dimension of something being a joke or not.

                “Tired cliche” is a characteristic of some art or amusement. Facts usually become more, not less solid over time.

                • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
                  10 months ago

                  Libertarianism is incredibly viral wtf are you talking about lol. A large swathe of us lawmakers, policymakers, senators and other officials are avowed libertarians. The ideology hasn’t been implemented, because every implementation fails. Despite being vastly more represented, funded than any left-wing ideology, and despite being actively promoted by the states in the west, libertarianism is nowhere to be seen in practice, because it is a dog shit idealistic view of how the world functions, and as such, it always collapsed when confronted with material reality. It cannot even manage a single township in a prosperous and peaceful area. This is the best case scenario too, since it otherwise quickly decays into fascism, as we can (once again) see now with Argentina

                  • rottingleaf
                    10 months ago

                    No. Mentioning that word once or twice doesn’t make one libertarian. And most of the time it’s people who’d want to say “liberal” but want to seem smart, or “libertine” but don’t know that word exists.

        • Brutticus@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          I too enjoy making fun of tankies but Im not usually so brazen as to come into their house to do it.

    • betelgeuse [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      10 months ago

      Libertarianism is not a coherent ideology based in political reality or science. It’s an ad-hoc justification for why capitalism is incompatible with liberalism, that is the values of democracy, freedom, liberty, etc. There is no such thing as stateless capitalism. Capital depends on the state and will always increase state power as more capital is accumulated. They like the dictatorships because the state is acting purely in the interest of capital while embracing the ideological misdirection of bigotry. That is the dictatorship is free to grind workers into paste with the use of near unlimited state control and power while the wealthy and petite bourgeois explain it all with racism, sexism, xenophobia, and nationalism. It uses those things to nudge workers away from class consciousness. They’re not actually hypocrites because ideological consistency is not the goal nor does it matter in the pursuit of power. They have the material edge and being hypocritical only helps them.

      This is why we can’t take you seriously. You’re stuck on why your fellow libertarians are hypocritical, you don’t understand what’s actually happening. You’re stuck in a world of ideology and abstractions away from the actual bare-bones model of society. Since your ideology has no explanatory power in the real world, your only recourse is clinging to models like the horseshoe theory. You don’t have a deep understanding of your own ideology let alone that of tankies, they just exist as points on some graph of extremism in your world.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        10 months ago

        Libertarianism is not a coherent ideology based in political reality or science. It’s an ad-hoc justification for why capitalism is incompatible with liberalism, that is the values of democracy, freedom, liberty, etc.

        To further this point, the original libertarian theorists rejected the enlightenment’s triplet of “equality, liberty and property” for a couplet of just “liberty and property”. The basis of libertarian ideology is a rejection of equality as a fundamental value.

        As for why actually existing libertarianism is indistinguishable from fascism/right wing authoritarianism in practice, it is because it is fundamentally not an ideology compatible with any concept of ethics. The core of libertarian thought is an abandonment of social, political , economic, and ultimately societal responsibility for others. However, without responsibility there can be no ethics. And without no ethics in an ultimate “might makes right” world where capital is in control and equality is abandoned as a fundamental value, what prevails? We all know what.

      • rottingleaf
        10 months ago

        Just like communism may mean ancom, ansyn, trotskyism in various kinds, stalinism in various kinds, libertarianism may mean minarchism, ancap, panarchism, georgeism and so on.

        It’s an ad-hoc justification for why capitalism is incompatible with liberalism

        It’s not. It’s just voluntarism put over anything else. Hence age of consent arguments, for example.

        It’s actually the most coherent ideology, because any compromise for practicality would make it a part of some other existing one.

        That’s also the reason for very little of it existing in reality.

        This is why we can’t take you seriously. You’re stuck

        It’s ok, I’m not taking your particularly seriously too, one really shouldn’t, it’s all a mix with pieces of gold very rare.

        However, I’m not stuck in general.

        You’re stuck in a world of ideology and abstractions away from the actual bare-bones model of society.

        There’s no “actual” model, a model by definition is a simplification allowing you to analyze a phenomenon spending a fraction of energy needed to recreate it.

        And that’s the problem ML has - instead of producing one model after another, some for one use case, some for another, some being discarded, some being used further, ML just has one model based on Imperial Germany as a dogma and puts it over reality.

        I don’t need a deep understanding of something which may or may not fit. I don’t even theoretically, potentially have access to source of any “deep understanding”.

        It’s like algebraic solutions vs numeric ones.

        • Krause [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
          10 months ago

          And that’s the problem ML has - instead of producing one model after another, some for one use case, some for another, some being discarded, some being used further, ML just has one model based on Imperial Germany as a dogma and puts it over reality.

          Insane projection since Marxism-Leninism is to be adapted to one’s conditions and not just an emulation of what happened in 1917 tsarist Russia. Lolbertarians on the other hand advocate for set in stone solutions like allowing “privatization”, “free speech”, “small government” and other assorted dogshit regardless of where and when it’s being applied. Cut your losses short and stop making a fool out of yourself before you start spouting garbage about mud pies or “human nature” and instead go read marxist theory if you care to talk about it.

          • rottingleaf
            10 months ago

            That’s the Stalinist point of view. Cults of personality, nationalist propaganda, banning abortions and so on are not exactly ML.

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]@hexbear.net
          10 months ago

          any compromise for practicality would make it a part of some other existing one.

          That’s also the reason for very little of it existing in reality.

          …so why are you a libertarian? In your own words it doesn’t exist because it does not actually address the practicalities of the world.

          If I knew that my political ideology isn’t compatible with the real world, I would find a better one.

          • rottingleaf
            10 months ago

            No ideology is compatible with the real world.

            And I’m not a libertarian. It’s just the closest known point so I called myself that.

            A distributist would be closer, just you are likely not aware of such a thing.

            • Łumało [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
              10 months ago

              No ideology is compatible with the real world.

              You do realize ideas are what governments use to rule, set laws, decide on ways to manage resources and the like? Right? And a set of ideas is an ideology? Just because libertarianism is disconnected from reality does not mean every ideology is incompatible with it, particularly marxism which grounds it’s theory and practice in material reality. Hell even fascism is as dangerous as it is because it is something that exists within material reality of capitalism in crisis! Returning to the theme of the original post of Milei who is doing precisely what he is because his ideas are widely unpopular with the majority.

              Also you are jumping from label to label, when you and I seem to have agreed that ideologies are not fashion statements. And so you can’t really in all seriousness do that? It also seems you have been applying your original label to yourself by only yourself when really you don’t even seem to agree with yourself whether or not it fits you. You seem very confused from my point of view.

              • rottingleaf
                10 months ago

                It’s basically a political ideology grown from Catholicism, so all the usual.

        • quarrk [he/him]@hexbear.net
          10 months ago

          It’s an ad-hoc justification for why capitalism is incompatible with liberalism

          It’s not. It’s just voluntarism put over anything else. Hence age of consent arguments, for example.

          Voluntarism is capitalist apologia, yes. The very premise is that society is a collection of independent individuals, exactly the premise which is both prerequisite for and produced by capitalism. Voluntarism takes this state ideology and proclaims it as an eternal, natural truth which cannot be escaped; the only problem, claim the libertarians, is that the state is interfering with the free expression of this ideology — which is exactly the reverse causal direction.

          “Truly, one must be destitute of all historical knowledge not to know that it is the sovereigns who in all ages have been subject to economic conditions, but they have never dictated laws to them. Legislation, whether political or civil, never does more than proclaim, express in words, the will of economic relations.”

          You must rip out the idealism which has rotten your logic if you want it to have any connection to material reality. Start scientifically from the world as it really exists, and from history as it really unfolded, not from your abstract models of independent individual exchanges, which so happens to justify the status quo or an intensification thereof.

          You need to investigate how society is in fact a web of interrelations and dependency; ie the very opposite of non-interacting isolated individuals. There is no society without dependency. A theory that starts with an assumption of independence is absolutely useless.

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]@hexbear.net
      10 months ago

      Tankies don’t even believe that. We would prefer to not kill anyone, but reactionaries (like yourself) always try to fight against us which is why you go into the pit. Also Utopianism is anti Marxist.