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  • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    have to get my haircut again, unfortunately

    i wait about 2-3 times as long as other men to get it cut because i never liked doing it

    “oh you should try for something shorter this time, not like those other times” the thing i tell myself every time

    show the barber some vague idea of what i want

    he cuts it even shorter than the already shorter than what i wanted cut

    get disappointed

    show friends/family, hoping they too don’t like it

    they all say I look great

    get even more disappointed

    lmao i really did think these were normal cis thoughts

    • Wake [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.net
      4 months ago

      Reading this and I’m like “they’re just like me frfr”

      I’ve always hated getting my haircut. As long as I can remember I hated going to the barber. Once I was an adult, I’d only get it cut maybe once a quarter. All bets were off once it got cold enough to wear a hat everywhere.

      I started to go to an actual barber about a year ago, and he does automatic scheduling. So for the last year I’ve been going really regularly even if I hate it since it’s already scheduled. But I cancelled my appointment for last month and I haven’t set up a new one yet. I don’t think I’ll be getting it regularly cut anymore. Just frequently enough to keep it healthy.

      • Cromalin [she/her]@hexbear.netM
        4 months ago

        Just frequently enough to keep it healthy.

        i didn’t even do that once i realized i was trans, i went like 3 years without a single haircut just out of spite for having always gotten them so regularly up to that point (and to spite my brother who kept telling me to get a haircut. i wasn’t out to him at the time, but he was a transphobic piece of shit once i was anyway)