tl;dr - Lengthy investigative piece about Soft Ground Wrestling Uganda and some of the BTS controversies with its management, accusations of fraud, etc etc.
Looks like promoters being carnies never goes out of style.
SGX/Daniel has responded:
Cassidy Haynes of who wrote the original long article.
I hated seeing this, MxM and so many others really tried doing a great thing for these people and appear to have been scammed.
Yeah, I feel so bad for MxM and Cody/Ospreay, they were pushing so hard for these guys, donated tons of money, etc.
We all (me included lol) probably owe BeltsByDan an apology. Still a salty bitch, but he tried to warn everybody months ago and SRS and the IWCjust shot him down, dickriding Uganda the whole way.
Bumbash would fit right in wrestling anywhere in the world. Good lord.
Pretty fucking much