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It’s a fascist coup.
They took control of the judiciary some time ago, they recently seized the executive and now they’re destroying any remaining institutional power that can oppose them.
The current regime is not legitimate.
The current technically still is, but the regime they are transforming into won’t be anymore legitimate.
With all the voters suppression tactics, gerrymandering in the house, and all the ballots they had discarded, it’s not legitimate.
Elon’s cash for votes scheme, the amount of russian money and planning on one side, plus there’s a decent chance that the fascists just committed direct electoral fraud as well.
No one has convincingly explained away the abnormally high number of bullet ballots and odd ballot switching at 500 votes in swing states like AZ, IMO.
I saw a more reputable site say that they weren’t actually as high because counting wasn’t complete and the % more evened out and that guy also had wrong numbers in cases, but I really didn’t follow up enough on it to know if it was legit not a problem, or if that site was the one making up shit.
I believe you. Can you share where you saw this?
I don’t have time to verify this, I’m busy for a bit, but, a quick search brings up this
Again I haven’t even had time to go through this, but it might give you more details to follow and find other sources based on whats in there.
It’s not legitimate because most of the stuff they are doing is plain out-and-out illegal. But like they (Don Jr., etc) said before the election, they were going to go ahead and do it anyway and dare anyone including SCOTUS to try and stop them. It’s going to come down to our military to choose a side.
Honestly, if this gets bad enough, I won’t be surprised if the military indirectly allows him to be removed by force.
It’s incredibly rare for a tyrant to actually be removed by force by a mob of disorganized revolutionaries. When you see instances of this happening, what’s usually actually happening is that the military has lost all confidence in the dictator, and they simply stand aside and let the mob storm the palace.
Think about just what a precarious situation Trump and Musk are going to find themselves in after they fire half the federal government. The DC metro area is going to be at a level of unemployment that dwarfs that of the Great Depression. The whole population of DC will be wanting to see heads on pikes.
The military wouldn’t even have to intervene directly themselves. All they would have to do is stand aside and let the mob storm the gates. That exact scenario has brought down countless tyrants over the generations.
Dictators don’t tend to meet good ends.
One thing I feel sure of is that at some point Trump will order the military to fire on civilians. I thought it would take some time to build up to that point, but I hadn’t factored the magnitude of the Musk variable into the equation. I’d love it if there really was a deep state that would step in and come to our rescue via some kind of “special operation”.
The whole population of DC will be wanting to see heads on pikes.
I wonder how dangerous a mob of laid-off middle-aged civil servants can be?
The military wouldn’t even have to intervene directly themselves. All they would have to do is stand aside and let the mob storm the gates.
Yeah, the military might not be 100% reliable in not attacking US civilians, but in this case those citizens would be rebelling against a tyrant who’s also trying to seize control over the military, destroy alliances, attack friendly countries and drag the military into direct involvement in genocide.
Doesn’t the army already have little trust in Trump?
And the new SecDef can just throw out anyone who decides to get in the way or defy orders, no matter how illegal. They’ll keep digging until they either scare everyone into following orders, or they’ll deputize loyal GOP members as a sort of paramilitary (including their friends in the various militias).
He polls really well with them for whatever reason.
Except the current “president” isn’t constitutionally eligible to hold the office after inciting insurrection, so no, it really isn’t legitimate even now
“Technically” is irrelevant. Functionally it’s compromised.
Fully understand what is happening here in America. The far right has destroyed the rule of law and are just acting to destroy our government. Don’t let this happen to your country. Don’t let Elon Musk any where near your elections or near your country.
Further, look and see what courting the rich and meritocracy has bought. This is the natural and probable consequences of decades and decades of austerity, privatization, and supply side economics. They’re telling you the same lies they told us, and telling you it will be different for you. It won’t be.
Don’t let Elon Musk any where near your elections or near your country.
A little late.
Russians and fossil fuel corporations are cheering
Too late. He tweeted “Cześć” (or Hello). How scared should I be?
Step 1: Remove all the inspector generals
Step 2: Gain access to the U.S. treasury payment system
Step 3: Lock out all the rest of the treasury staff
Step 4: Impose a 25% Tarriff on your largest trading partners
Step 5: Profit!
Step 6: Realize Trump backed down on the Mexican Tarriffs because the president of Mexico called and stroked Trump’s ego.
inspector generals
I don’t want to be that guy, but the plural is “inspectors general”.
I say always be that guy. You have the heart to speak up and help others to learn and grow - for example I was questioning which it was, but you confirmed for me that it is indeed inspectors general.
All words with that construction are pluralized that way. Inspectors general, surgeons general, courts martial.
I’m never gonna forget inspectors general now because of this conversation. It’s with me for life.
You can file it under memories general
Now I’ll say it like that guy in Futurama. Inspectorses generals
I don’t think she stroked his ego, I think she played hardball and showed him how he was gonna get hurt a lot more than they were, then he backed off (saving face by saying she would send troops to the border). That and the fact that women intimidate the hell out of Trump. He knows how to bully men but women get him all discombobulated.
women get him all discombobulated.
Until he grabs em by the pussy
Step 6 is how the cabinet members got their jobs and why all the TechBros gave him a million each.
Canada now as well. Trump is such a joke.
Wait what happened with the Mexican tariffs ?
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That’s not in any way what happened, but your sexism is noted.
Canada and Mexico both cracked today
They didn’t crack. They played him.
They “agreed” to stuff that they already had agreed to under Biden, plus one or two silly things to stroke trump’s ego.
What really happened was Trump’s donors saw the stock market crashing and yelled at him to cut the crap and make a deal.
Trump backed off from both for 30 days, and they didn’t give him anything they hadn’t already promised Biden.
Trump has past form in failing catastrophically, all the while declaring victory. Just like Putin.
What does that mean?
The main concession is Mexico putting 10k troops on the border. There were a few other things as well. I honestly have no idea what Canada gave Trump
You’re leaving out Trump’s own concession.
it’s only a coup if it comes from the Coup d’Etat region of France, otherwise it’s just a sparkling government takeover.
Which is why the US has never actually staged a coup in a foreign country. Not many people know that
Nah, everybody relax. Go to work, come home to your 2.3 kids. Everything is normal. President Musk is doing everything he can to take care of the immigrant and LGBTQ problem, the only problems the USA has. Men could be playing womens sports, guys. I mean it. Massive fucking problem.
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He’s just making weird grunting noises, kinda sounds like an orangutan
█████ ██ █ ████ Everything ███ █████ is ████ ██ ████ fine ████ ███ █ █████ love. █████ █████ ███ your ████ ████ government
If I ever come home to 2.3 kids I’m gonna be so mad. Where is the 0.7 kids I’m missing?!
2A thumpers defend school shootings as required to defend against tyrants. Tyrants literally in our buildings and giving nazi salutes? Nothing.
Americans currently rereading the 2nd amendment: “Damn, if we could only use them outside of schools, things would be fixed quickly”
It’s weird that Jefferson literally demanded helpless children be shot in schools like that but hey that’s what the Constitution says so I guess we gotta let em do it.
Musk is who we deserve. The country that treats money as speech and corporations as people and bribery as political action has the worlds richest man controlling it. Finally, the world is making some fucking sense.
The coup has already happened.
Staging? It already happened
they won the election. now they are dismantling the levers of government. the goal is to weaken all other national institutions until eventually they can just ignore Congress or Supreme Court
Exactly. He has every American’s personal details and total control of the nation’s finances. He really doesn’t need anything else.
Although no one was prosecuted
Why the FUCK do we keep letting people get away with this shit??
I believe the theory is that Roosevelt sat down with the Business Plot crew in secret and gave them the option of a) they convince their business pals not to oppose the New Deal too much or b) they hang. Obviously they picked option a.
Just business as usual :P
This is the kinda shit that needs to be taught to everyone in US history class.
Musk is saying that they aren’t going to pay US contractors for up to a month.
There is no question.
That… Includes actual mercenaries, no?
There will be exceptions. The exceptions will be anything Musk views as a threat to himself.
Yes, thousands of often highly specialized, experienced mercenaries.
Funny to think pedo-don spent 8 years pretending Obama couldn’t be prez because he was born in Africa, just the give the control of the country to an unlected incompetent bro who was actually born in Africa.
Is this how the Russians felt when Rasputin was to influencing the Tsar?
I think we should test if Musk is as durable as Rasputin.
The song about it won’t be as catchy though.
Or as durable as the UHC CEO
Our last hope it seems:
Oh the irony
The hammer lady was absent.
The only irony I see is the people seeing it as the Apple message and not the message in the Apple ad.
The ad seems to have worked even on the unsuspecting.
It’s ironic because Apple kissed the ring
Is Apple™️? I really hope not.
If you were still under the impression that conservatives were patriots that gave a flying fuck about the Constitution, now you have your definitive answer.