Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.
Privatizing the US national helium reserve. Gonna laugh when in a few years the government of another nation ends up owning it. Helium is dwindling finite resource that key technological infrastructure relies upon.
Just tearing the copper wires out of the walls without a shred of irony at this point.
Nobody left to neocolonize but ourselves I guess.
someone once said that fascism is when the colonial methods of oppression are brought home to the imperial core
That was me. I said that.
Thanks Fook-Oh
Tool of a Fook!
Everything has been commodified and continues to be commodified, but that’s just another reason the world isn’t fair (or so I’ve been told)
I don’t know who said it first, but I heard it from a podcast episode with Matt Christman and Sean KB in an episode about fascism
I mean it has a Wikipedia page
You mean Russia has been fascist since Peter the Great till now, with brief interruptions in 1905-1914 and 1991-1993 ?
—John Rogers
Literally what happened to a friend of mine. He was in a bookshop and only had enough money to buy Fellowship or Atlas Shrugged and chose Fellowship because he’d be able to buy a soda with the change.
Atlas Shrugged and the Capital are mutually interchangeable in that quote.
I don’t like the quote also because it implies that the reader would consider LOTR childish, thus accusing the reader of being a complete imbecile.
wtf is “the Captial”???
Das is german for “The”, Kapital is german for “Capital”
This needs to be a tagline.
Hey lib, who are the mutual unbelievable heroes in THE Capital? You know since you clearly read it and aren’t just talking out your ass
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Never read any Marx
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Youre ugly
LOTR is childish lol
In the broad strokes absolutely, in the detail hell no. I had to learn linguistic theories and botany to get to the bottom of everything going on in the books
no the detail is insane, the dude made up languages and then created LOTR just to put them inside
The Hobbit is a kids’ book, but I’m not sure I’d say Lord of the Rings is childish. There are childish things about it, for sure. The black-and-white Christian morality and “good monarch” stuff, for example. But it’s a serious work of literature at the same time.
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That’s despotism and not feudalism.
you are genuinely one of the stupidest people we’ve had on here
This chain is like when people used to come from /r/all and get absolutely dog walked
I could care
Despotism is not a useful political term at all and feudalism is a very specific form of a much broader economic system that was used in the middle ages. You have nonides what you’re talking about.
According to my knowledge it is just as useful a term as feudalism, describing a specific system.
Buddy, you are a communist , a flatearther from economics, an etherium proponent from economics, a homeopathic doctor from economics.
And what you wrote is illiterate bullshit. Listen for once what people who are not from your sect say on things.
hello it’s me a flatearther from economics
Despotism refers to a person in power making unilateral decisions, it is no means of describing any system of government.
Define communism, I’ll let you once again look it up.
All that homeopathy must be why communists have already taken your factories and in exchange you willingly hollowed out your own country
Lmao no arguments just vibes
That’s poo poo and not pee pee
i’d love to hear your cunning mind explain what despotism and feudalism are, and what the difference is
Despotism is an absolute monarchy where technically there’s only one free man, the monarch, and all the subjects, including nobles or whatever, are his property. There’s no contracts or something to this. The monarch’s power is delegated as they wish to the state apparatus of whatever kind they choose. That’d be Russia since Peter or, say, Safavid Persia, and frankly a few German states in the new age despite sporting feudal symbolic.
Feudalism is a system of vassal-suzerain and allied relationships, contractual and not even that centralized, as a feudal entity can even be vassal to multiple other entities (games like CK get this wrong, which makes, say, Denmark there less fun than it was) and have its own various contractual ties. With feudalism every person’s status is complex, there are individual privileges and obligations to every entity.
Feudalism is much more sophisticated than a despotic monarchy. IMHO it’s the main reason Europeans dominate this planet.
EDIT: By the way, Decembrists paid a lot of attention to that difference, if we get back to Russian history.
feudal contracts literally don’t exist
they’re a made up justification of the feudal system that was exposed as false in 1789 when the french peasants found no such things in the manors of their lords
feudalism is not at all a unique phenomenon to europe. you say you get this from Crusader Kings, babe look at the rest of the crusader kings map. africans and middle eastern people did that too
Worse than a liberal then, a papist!
Tbh I’d feel pretty owned if someone implied I was any kind of esoteric political Catholic. Integralist, distributivist, clerical fascist, mexican synarchist, etc. Each one would feel like an own
… Being said on a tankie sub this really is expressive, but obviously not in the way you think.
I’m not Catholic (my ancestors on my dad’s side were, though), but this specific ideology doesn’t have such a limitation.
Utterly brain broken
I’m dying to hear you define any of these terms you’re using. Please, open the window up to world of politics so incoherent it’s like staring at an eldritch horror from beyond the veil of reality.
I know what they mean, you don’t, and I’m not going to waste my time explaining, and I don’t have to do that for anything really.
Lol literally doing the “I know what you are, but what am I?”

I hope you’re a teenager who will one day grow to look back on this and realise how cringe they were, because if you’re a full-grown adult
You are dumber than a zip lock bag of radishes. You don’t know what the words you’re using mean. We do.
The nickname is correct, congrats.
Right now define Distributivism. You can look it up if you want.
Guy who is a lot more stupid than i am
I’m pretty stupid, but for what you claim my intelligence would have to be negative. It’d have to be some kind of “antimatter intelligence”, and your political alignment is the closest to inventing that.
imagine being this confidently stupid
crack a window before you suffocate on your own farts dude
Yeah thats you
Pulling the good old “no u” I see
Please define “imperial core”
damn i didn’t know americas capital was in moscow
Bc Putin controls Trump and rigged the 2016 election, duh
Russia’s imperial core is in Central Russia. I thought this was a truism.
How can you be this confident in talking out of your ass?
Also how can you be this shitty at using bs rhetorical techniques? You were asked to define “imperial core” not name “what is the capital of Russia?” You’re trying to detail the discussion, but you’re so dumb you can’t do it properly.
imperialism is when the vibes are bad
What? Why? What kind of imperialism are you talking about?
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See, this is why I love federation. None of us could have ever written a bit this good
Mods, plz make this exchange a tagline. This really tops things for most hilariously dumb fuck absolute village oaf posting.
you’re going in the
/lemmitor Hall of Fame
hell yeah i love too know what words mean
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That sounds like a whataboutism!!!
i like the implication that a wane from fascism is an “brief interruption” this is very funny. I will definitely be stealing this one.
I mostly meant that Russia’s history since Peter is often described as self-colonization.
yeah, it’s still funny to me though.