In a just world, after this is all over members of the Knesset and IOF must be hanged for crimes against humanity and Israel should receive the Rhodesia treatment
I remember how German citizens were forced to see the concentration camps when the Nazis were defeated.
With that in mind, Israelis must be forced to see what they have done. All Israelis have to be forced to see the concentration camp. Conscript IDF members to dig bodies out of the rubble. Make them learn the names of the people they murdered. I don’t think support would be nearly as high if they were actually looking.
Sure there’s some psychopaths but I really think the majority are just indoctrinated and insulated. They could be reeducated.
Sure there’s some psychopaths but I really think the majority are just indoctrinated and insulated. They could be reeducated.
Nah, Stalin got it right the first time when he said they should execute 50,000 Nazi officers; apply his thinking here and maybe this time don’t be so conservative.
I don’t think those ideas conflict; Execute every last one of the officers (and the Knesset) and force the non-officers and civilians who supported this to do the cleanup.
Yeah, 50k officers was a small part of the Nazi war machine. Something like 5 million Nazi soldiers died in the war, and undoubtedly there were millions still living at the end. Pre-war Germany had a population of almost 70 million.
50k officers was a small part of the Nazi war machine.
Was Stalin a lib 🤔
And instead of killing them Dulles and the rest of the Nazi US government gave them jobs in NATO, the CIA, the West German government etc. very cool.
The more you learn the more the phrase “Nazism wasn’t defeated in WW2, it was internationalised” makes sense.
The Dulles (both John Foster and Allen) really do deserve to rot in hell for what they did to our planet.
Execution is just so wasteful. 🤔
Israelis DO see what they’re doing. They love it. Perhaps except the liberals and the communists that work with Palestinians.
They see very little, actually. Soldiers see the people they kill on little screens, from a long distance away and sometimes without color. Civilians back home don’t even see that, they just see propaganda.
And it’s not just literally seeing that I’m talking about. Can they hear the begging and crying children? Can they smell the burning corpses and open defecation? Taste the air filled choked with silicates and smoke? There’s a whole sensory experience of this genocide that they’re missing out on. I want to rub it in, make it stick.
IOF Nazis literally post about their crimes on TikTok and Telegram. For the people who follow these channels, you need full on re-education to bring back their empathy - not just a trip to the concentration camp.
I did also say they should undergo forced labor if you recall. Also be forced to learn the names of their victims.
A tour of the ruins would merely be the first step of a long process. 👍
Sorry, maybe there was a misunderstanding. By trip to the concentration camp, I meant sending them to Gaza to see what they did, NOT sending them to do forced labor at a concentration camp.
I think you’re misunderstanding me. I didn’t say that sending them on a trip to the concentration camp would be all that should be done.
I just think it’s a start. First go to Gaza, learn their names, recover bodies, and then we’ll see.
Re-education is far too kind for those psychopaths.
Well they won’t be psychopaths once they’ve reformed
Communism has a long history of re-educating fascists. Unfortunately, social revolution is not as simple as killing every one of your enemies!
They sit on hills in lawn chairs and laugh and cheer as they watch bombs land on children! They have no morals, they are evil and should be executed, they will not feel bad for what they’ve done
No, they watch bombs land on distant objects. They don’t see the children and they’d respond far differently if they had to dig through the rubble for body parts.
I admire your optimism
Imagine for a second what a mass execution on that scale does to the society that perpetrates it, especially those directly doing it. Killing hollows people out. No matter how justified. It hurts the person doing it. I mean thats an underdiscussed problem with the death penalty, the fact that it turns the executioner into a killer. I dont want to share space with someone capable of the coldness necessary to carry out state murder.
Its simply not practical, even if you think it is justified (and as a strict rehabilitationist, i would argue against that too).
Also institutions of mass execution have a way of self perpetuating.
Im fucking infuriated by this article too. And my first gut is blood for blood too. But when i think about the consequences of that, I know its not right.
It hurts the person doing it.
I’m sure learning that your family was brutally murdered while seeking humanitarian aid also hurts. I bet it hurts learning that people you knew were crushed under trucks. I bet it hurts knowing that cumskins all over the world make excuses for the barbaric extermination of your people, make excuses for the IOF perpetrating it. I bet it hurts that as people react to the very real deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians, there are people like you who insist on defending against even the hypothetical idea of Israelis receiving any justice for what they have done in cold-blood and with full intent. I know how it makes me feel, I can’t imagine how it might make someone living in this hell feel. Probably like burning the whole ass world down.
Idk what about what I said makes you think I dont know all that.
It isn’t about what you do or do not know, it’s about what you choose to focus on.
“What you chose to focus on” what do you want me to do? Make five comments calling for blood first to meet your standards of focus ratio? To make the obvious (that im intensly angry about this) clear? Dont assume my thoughts or intent.
I didnt do that because those comments already exist in plenty. I save my posts for original thoughts usually.
What is it with people and this “if you mention something it means youre not focusing on another thing” bullshit. I dont want to assume your neurotype, but it certainly smells like NT bullshit to me.
Eta: you mention in your first reply “justice”. Well ive been consistent in thinking justice should never be punitive. Mass killing isnt justice.
Eta2: The hypotheticalness of people here mentioning mass executions doesnt change how i feel about mass executions. I stand by every word i wrote. I am aware of the rage involved because i feel it too. But policy of What Is To Be Done shouldnt be driven by that.
empathy is one thing, mercy in a situation like this is altogether another
Its not even about mercy for the person who committed the act. I feel like what I wrote that should have made that pretty clear?
Yeah, whenever I see someone post this kind of stuff, I kind of get the urge to have them put in a situation of “your new job is killing the people you want to see killed 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, they will be tied up and you may use a claw hammer or a machete, but you must meet a daily quota of kills” and see how quickly their enthusiasm wears off.
When you look at the breadth and scope of the groups these people are demanding to be killed, you’re realistically looking at creating an entire sector of the economy whose sole purpose is the efficient mass-killing of human beings for years if not decades. Maybe the people advocating these things would be okay with such a society, but it’s not the kind I joined the left to fight for, and contrary to what capitalist propaganda would have you believe, it’s not the kind that successful revolutionaries have historically created.
Nah, the Israelis support this pretty much across the board, acting like they just don’t know what they do is incredibly naive.
I’m certain a lot of them only support it in an abstract sense and don’t grasp what they’re actually supporting. Internal media doesn’t show the bodies being dug out of the rubble or the literal thousands of mutilated children or interviews with the survivors or the other horrors in the Gaza concentration camp. I’m certain if we rubbed it in that the crimes would sink in. They’re still human, they just aren’t seeing.
Everyone in Israel who didn’t immigrate as an adult served in The IDF or went to prison to not serve.
They all know.
Served in the IDF to drop bombs from thousands of feet away or inside drone bases miles away or inside armored vehicles with only screens to see the world with. The actual boots-on-the-ground engagement is low by design.
They’re dropping bombs on schools and hospitals they know what they are doing even from thousands of feet away
There’s a difference between knowing and knowing. The lesson doesn’t sink in without the full sensory experience. Even the targets are chosen by the targeting AI Gospel, so they get to offload their guilt into Just Following Orders.
It’s not natural for people to be like this. They have to be carefully cultivated and propagandized at all times, not just when they’re growing up but their entire lives. The conditioning can be broken.
I’m aware.
I think we could get those numbers up if they were forced to really understand what they have done, to see and hear and smell the genocide.
They’ve had plenty of chances to educate themselves. If I can see right from wrong halfway around the world they have no excuse. They have access to everything I do. If they can hear the constant airstrikes, see the plumes of smoke, and just go one with their day? They are as guilty as if they are pulling the triggers themselves.
Not to mention the mandatory military service means a decent chunk are pulling triggers themselves. 0 sympathy for Israeli occupiers. Ignorance of the consequences of your actions is no excuse. You can’t drop a bomb on a crowded city and tell yourself “I sure am glad I hit exactly what I was aiming at and didn’t kill anyone else!”.
Do you think I’m absolving them of guilt?
Not at all!
I just think they can be reeducated through direct exposure and forced labor.
Ah fair enough, I misunderstood your point and came in a little hot. I still think certain members of the IOF (mainly pilots but pretty much any one directly involved in the genocide) should get the
. Another example are the IOF foot soldiers who are walking through the rubble of a city, the stench of death permeating the air, while they are laughing and taking selfies. They are already up close and personal with the atrocities being committed. If they had an iota of sympathy for the Palestinian people they would have defected,
, or done some drastic protest akin to what Aaron Bushnell did.
It takes more than sympathy to defect, that takes courage. The penalty is almost certain death or worse.
Aaron Bushnell is far braver than us. How can we comdemn cowards to death for being too afraid to betray their rulers when we, too, are choosing to not throw our bodies into the gears of the empire?
You definitely aren’t aware of Zionist Telegrams that show nothing but mutilated Palestinian corpses full of comments in Hebrew mocking the bodies as they get desecrated by IOF goons.
They know. And not only do they know, they fucking love it. They delight in seeing dead Palestinians. The sight of a dead Palestinian getting their fallen body desecrated and organs harvested brings a shit-eating grin to these ghouls’ faces.
And how many people does that actually represent? Many tens of thousands I’m sure! But is the average Israeli visiting those Telegrams? I doubt it. The majority just don’t think about it, same as every genocide.
And what of popular Israeli talkshows where the hosts say Gaza should be razed to the ground with the entire audience applauding? Are they just “tens of thousands?”
Those talk shows don’t show the bodies for a reason.
And you certainly can’t smell through the TV.
You’re really underestimating human empathy. People get PTSD from working in slaughterhouses, actual human bodies would break through the standard programming. Yes, there are a lot of genocidal freaks, but I just don’t believe most of the war’s supporters really understand what they’re supporting.
And we should make them. By force.
I believe the majority of the israeli people would clap and guffaw when seeing what the idf has done, i think their indoctienation unironically goes deeper than ww2 germans
Then why isn’t it being shown to them on television?
They’d cum too much
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As a German who visited Dachau, shut the fuck up.
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Palestinian people are imprisoned in a city, prevented from leaving, denied access to food, water, medicine, and fuel, constantly bombed and massacred, and the vast majority of them have never been convicted of crimes. How is this not a concentration camp, exactly?
You might want to learn some history of what concentration camps are and what their purpose is. Start with the second Boer War.
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I stay with the interpretation of the leader of my country who already told Abbas that those comparisons are bullshit. Not a “holocaust”… Not “concentration camps”…
Hey, South Africa and Namibia both say “shut the fuck up KKKracker”
Thanks. I stay with the interpretation of the leader of my country who already told Abbas that those comparisons are bullshit. Not a “holocaust”… Not “concentration camps”…
I assume your country is Germany, a country that has previously had problems with their citizens trusting their leader instead of thinking for themselves. Could your leader have a political bias that causes him to twist language around?
As to what words we’ll use, we’ll continue to use the word genocide as history proves us right. Germany started committing a genocide long before the Wannsee conference and continued committing one throughout the duration of WW2.
You realize how fucking stupid you sound arguing that a state has to hit some kind of deranged genocide quota before we can start treating it as a genocide right?
Shut the fuck up you stupid cracker.
This is why Gaza must be visited.
You need to understand.
Line them up on the walls of Gaza and the west bank
Wishing a thousand more October 7ths on the genocidal settler state
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The number of Palestinians slaughtered by the genocidal Israeli state is much higher than 30k. History did not begin on October 7, 2023. Abolishing the Israeli state and returning the stolen land to its rightful Palestinian owners will end the conflict. We want peace more than anything else, but while the violence continues, Palestinians have the right to resist their oppressors by any means necessary.
We totally need that 7 more times!!!1111
I said October 7th a thousand more times, dumbass. Most literate Zionist.
Are you done repeating your npc lines?
What you seem to understand but refuse to accept is that Israel is a settler colonial state commiting genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Palestinian people. In fact Israel’s whole foundation was an illegitimate state being created by ethnically cleansing the local population.
Hamas( qassam brigades) is a legitimate armed resistance against an occupier ( Israel). In fact, according to international law, Hamas has more legitimacy defending themselves against Israel than Israel does to “defend” itself from the people they are occupying.
Israel has been the colonial occupier for 75 years. Ever since then they’ve been conducting terror campaigns of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. And now their genocidal intentions are plain for even the most unwilling to see.
So when someone says death to Israel, they mean death to the settler colonial genocidal state of Israel. So saying that absolutely does make sense. And hopefully from that will come a single secular state where the Palestinians can live as equals with israelis, and not be treated as subhuman slaves.
So I’m telling you all of this to hopfully spark some awareness in you, if not now then maybe sometime you’ll think back on this. But i know you’ll probably just continue trolling. One can only hope for the best.
where the Palestinians can live as equals with israelis
That’s impossible, the colonizers and the colonized can never live as equals.
Kicking out colonizers is cool and good, actually.
That’s impossible, the colonizers and the colonized can never live as equals. Kicking out colonizers is cool and good, actually.
Strip them of their special status and they’re no different. I believe many ex-Israelis would have to stay and accept that they’ve lost their privilege/work for the nation on equal footing.
Regardless of equality under the law, there will always be tension and straight up racism. And considering there are more Israelis than Palestinians, the system will inevitably begin to favor Israelis again. It will become an informal system like America today rather than a formal system like South African Apartheid or American segregation.
Well the reason I said “many” is because it’s obvious a huge number would leave voluntarily when their colonial wreck is overthrown, and another number would have to be repressed/deported. Hard to believe this majority would stand then if we understand that the reason these settlers stay is because of the privilege they have and the stolen goods they reap.
You’re correct, maybe i worded it incorrectly. I feel like the dual nationalty holders should go back to their original countries and Jews who were born there can appeal for citizenship, after a hell of a lot of reperations. Israelis shouldn’t exist in the new secular state because it should be a new country.
1.000 dead Israelis, 30k dead Palestinians. We totally need that 7 more times!!!1111
You probably jerk off to that idea you jumped up little nazi freak
Listen up and listen well, Palestine is going nowhere and Israel will fall, this war has made it inevitable :)
You have been brainwashed to believe right and wrong does not exist so that every evil done by your masters can be justified.
go back to Reddit where you belong shitlib
Israel almost folded and shitted itself to death over one attack. An overwhelming revolution and destruction of Israel is the only way to have peace in the Middle East. Israel is a festering malignant tumor and it needs to be excised for the body to heal
How many times are you going to post this exact same point?
What do you even say at this point
“That every day this evil is allowed to persist is a crime against humanity”
I am once again posting Aime Cesaire. Discourse on Colonialism is such an essential reading, imo. It is so powerful, and it’s haunting how aptly it describes israel.
TW: mention of violence, SA, racism
First we must study how colonization works to decivilize the colonizer, to brutalize him in the true sense of the word, to degrade him, to awaken him to buried instincts, to covetousness, violence, race hatred, and moral relativism; and we must show that each time a head is cut off or an eye put out in Vietnam and in France they accept the fact, each time a little girl is r*ped and in France they accept the fact, each time a Madagascan is tortured and in France they accept the fact, civilization acquires another dead weight, a universal regression takes place, a gangrene sets in, a center of infection begins to spread; and that at the end of all these treaties that have been violated, all these lies that have been propagated, all these punitive expeditions that have been tolerated, all these prisoners who have been tied up and interrogated, all these patriots who have been tortured, at the end of all the racial pride that has been encouraged, all the boastfulness that has been displayed, a poison has been instilled into the veins of Europe and, slowly but surely, the continent proceeds toward savagery.
And then one fine day the bourgeoisie is awakened by a terrific reverse shock: the gestapos are busy, the prisons fill up, the torturers around the racks invent, refine, discuss.
People are surprised, they become indignant. They say: “How strange! But never mind — it’s Nazism, it will pass!” And they wait, and they hope; and they hide the truth from themselves, that it is barbarism, but the supreme barbarism, the crowning barbarism that sums up all the daily barbarisms; that it is Nazism, yes, but that before they were its victims, they were its accomplices; that they tolerated that Nazism before it was inflicted on them, that they absolved it, shut their eyes to it, legitimized it, because, until then, it had been applied only to non-European peoples; that they have cultivated that Nazism, that they are responsible for it, and that before engulfing the whole of Western, Christian civilization in its reddened waters, it oozes, seeps, and trickles from every crack.
Yes, it would be worthwhile to study clinically, in detail, the steps taken by Hitler and Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, very humanistic, very Christian bourgeois of the twentieth century that without his being aware of it, he has a Hitler inside him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he rails against him, he is being inconsistent and that, at bottom, what he cannot forgive Hitler for is not crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of man as such, it is the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, and the fact that he applied to Europe colonialist procedures which until then had been reserved exclusively for the Arabs of Algeria, the c**lies of India, and the blacks of Africa.
And that is the great thing I hold against pseudo-humanism: that for too long it has diminished the rights of man, that its concept of those rights has been — and still is — narrow and fragmentary, incomplete and biased and, all things considered, sordidly racist.
I have talked a good deal about Hitler. Because he deserves it: he makes it possible to see things on a large scale and to grasp the fact that capitalist society, at its present stage, is incapable of establishing a concept of the rights of all men, just as it has proved incapable of establishing a system of individual ethics. Whether one likes it or not, at the end of the blind alley that is Europe, I mean the Europe of Adenauer, Schuman, Bidault, and a few others, there is Hitler. At the end of capitalism, which is eager to outlive its day, there is Hitler. At the end of formal humanism and philosophic renunciation, there is Hitler.
Death to Israel, Death to the US, and Death to all colonizers.
Death to Israel.
Many people are saying it
the best people are saying it
all palestinian violence against israel is self-defense.
I don’t know what to say. I hardly know how to not do an adventurism at this point. What the fuck else can you do after seeing this shit besides
Imagine the thousands feeling the exact same, wanting to know what the heck is going on and what they should do to change.
This is our historical role as communists - having the answers and the meaningful action for change. Find like-minded people/groups and go organize now.
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You should become one yourself.
I don’t understand, if your whole handle is based on hating a left-wing instance, why are you calling for the deaths of zionists?
I vote we don’t ban this one just for the bit
Imagine looking at a story like this and continuing to insist this isn’t a genocide. This is so fucking disgusting.
How long before these fucking psychos set up gas chambers
The Nazis built the death camps as a method of improving the cost-effectiveness of their campaign of extermination. The Israelis are not concerned with cost-effectiveness as their implements of genocide are provided to them free of cost by the USA.
Meanwhile, Alabama has literally began using gas chambers.
Most death camps didn’t start out as death camps either. They started out as internment and labor camps at the start of the war, and were left to fester with starvation and disease as the Germans got stretched thinner. Towards the end, in 1942, the Germans agreed on a policy of mass killings in the camps as a way to cover it up/destroy the evidence when it became more clear they were losing against the Soviets
Who needs gas chambers when you’ve got white phosphorous?
They already have been gassing the tunnels and have killed some of their own hostages.
They are literally gassing Jews, it’s crazy what Israel gets away with
as long as they don’t they probably figure they’re still better than the Nazis
which we all know is not true, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they had that rationale
Can we have a burning israeli flag emoji? I agree with the guy before and i dont care about anyones feelings on it now
It’s been talked about, mods don’t want a burning star of David.
I agree with you though.
Pure cowardice. We have several emojis of flags burning that have a cross on them. So clearly we’re okay with burning religious symbols. Are we just afraid of being called antisemites? Zionists are going to call us that anyway.
Japanese flag could also be considered a religious symbol
edit: furthermore, something else that has annoyed me but maybe someone can explain: why do we have a Philippines burning flag emoji? They have an ongoing communist insurgency - surely this would be the place where we do something like we’ve done with India and have (unfortunately) done with Israel and find another flag/group to direct our hate towards?
We have a Russia burning flag despite them being on the forefront of the anti-imperialist front and allied to AES. It’s pathetic that we have that and not the genocidal settler state of Israel. Pitiful
Korean flag also, it’s literally semi-Taoist.
I don’t think we have a burning south korea flag though
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Acceptance of Zionist narratives conflating Israel with Judaism. Pathetic. Every real resistance member burns Zionist flags without issue
I disagree with mods now dont let zionist hide behind fascist
I am vindicated eternally
I never disagreed with you, i was just trying to be nice to our jewish comrades but they gotta take one for the team fuck zionism
Jewish comrades also burn the Zionist rag
If seeing the symbol of colonization and genocide destroyed brings you discomfort you need to work on yourself to disassociate Judaism from Israel/Zionism, because that means you subconsciously conflate them and have given into Zionist brainworms
If seeing the symbol of colonization and genocide destroyed brings you discomfort you need to work on yourself to disassociate Judaism from Israel/Zionism, because that means you subconsciously conflate them and have given into Zionist brainworms
No, the issue was clearly expressed to be the burning of the Star of David within the flag. “Zionist brainworms” fuck off.
Otherwise stated: Zionists put a Star of David there to shield themselves from criticism and attack, and you are agreeing with them and their conflation that it is a valid shield. You agree that burning a Zionist flag is anti-Semitic, which means you have buckled to their logic and given in to their narrative
I am filled with joy and hope when I see the Zionist rag in flames. If that makes you instead fearful and sad, that’s a you problem not a me problem because you have let Zionists colonize your mind
No I am not, and I am not agreeing that burning the Zionist flag is antisemitic. What I’m saying is that the imagery of burning the Star of David itself on an emote being uncomfortable to some Jewish users does not mean they have “Zionist brainworms.” You can’t completely disassociate when it’s the exact same symbol.
Burning a Zionist flag isn’t anti-Semitic. The image of burning a Zionist flag is anti-semitic.
You have to realize how twisted and incoherent your logic is, doing mental gymnastics to defend an indefensible mod decision made on a whim.
This is a burning cross, a Christian symbol. Why does Israel receive special protections for their symbols that nobody else does? Because there is a partial acceptance of Zionist exceptionalism.
What I’m saying is that the imagery of burning the Star of David itself on an emote being uncomfortable to some Jewish users does not mean they have “Zionist brainworms.”
It does though.
No offense but I don’t think is for non-Jewish hexbear users to decide
Oh fuck off with this, by this logic non-Jews also cannot criticize Israel at all because you are aware the mainstream position is that any criticism of Zionism is anti-Semitic and only Jews can do it. You agree with the position of CNN on this 😂 it’s frankly an absurd position to hold that Israel should be abolished but the symbol of Israel is sacred and deserves protections from non-Jews.
I’m a Muslim hexbear and I think every Zionist flag on earth should be destroyed and desecrated, just like Israel should be destroyed.
Deal with it and ban me for being anti-Semitic if you think otherwise, just know that Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis all agree with me not you.
This not enough for you? You really gotta have the star of david on there? Why is this something you are so hung up on?
That’s not the flag of Israel. Why are you so hung up on living in a fantasy world and not the real one?
I am living in the real world doing actual organizing work where nobody knows about this place or gives a fuck whether or not we have a burning Israel flag emoji.
The fact is that some users here expressed discomfort with having an image of a burning star of david in any form and we honored that.
Nobody is stopping you from saying death to israel or redacted the Zionists.
It’s always amusing to find patsocs here. Enjoy your stay. See you again on your next account
BuRnInG ZiOniSt fLaG mAkEs YoU a PaTsOc
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Everyone in your responses getting hung up about not having a specific burning flag emoji needs to go outside. There are other ways to express your hatred for Israel. Some of which actually can accomplish something, which arguing about emojis won’t.
When your only response is “this doesn’t matter” you have just accepted defeat rhetorically and want to move on to something else.
If it “doesn’t matter” so much just add the damn flag (or remove the other burning flags) so it stops being a constant struggle session of bad pseudo-zionist arguments to defend mod hypocrisy.
Not having the emoji is a minor grievance, but the users justifying it are the big problem - they are just spouting Zionist narratives about how we need to defer everything to Jewish Feelings and other principles and consistency doesn’t matter. Their folding in one place is symbolic of their folding to that narrative overall.
It’s a bigger issue overall for me because the implication of actively continuing to exclude it is that the official position of this forum is that Ansarallah, Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance are anti-Semitic for burning Israel flags. They aren’t. It is the mods who are wrong, not the axis of resistance.
Holy shit go outside. I didn’t even ping you. What are you doing, sitting around refreshing this thread looking for people to argue with?
Having the option for a burning star of David emoji risks making nazis feel comfortable posting on this website. Avoiding nazis feeling comfortable on your website is the first job of internet moderators. This is not a problem for the Palestinian resistance, who are not trying to run a website, are not in danger of nazis feeling comfortable on their website, and have bigger problems to deal with than nazis feeling comfortable on their website.
Elsewhere in this thread, you tried to say
should be disallowed under the same logic, because the cross is also a religious symbol. This is an absurd false equivalence - Christians are not under threat, Jews are. This is the same rhetoric that people use when trying to say racism against whites is a problem.
Having the option for a burning star of David emoji risks making nazis feel comfortable posting on this website
yeah the nazis are going to feel comfortable on hexbear. absolutely. you got a very convincing case there
we have historically had very reactionary people post here for long periods of time before a struggle session revealed the one thing they couldn’t get over not being able to say/do
risks making nazis feel comfortable posting on this website.
This is argument doesn’t make sense to me. We frequently call for fascists, and people who hold some of the beliefs nazis do (racists, transphobes, etc) to be killed. We support the exact opposite countries they do. We have mandatory pronoun tags ffs.
We already say death to Israel and death to zionists. If nazis misinterpreted that as being against Jewish people (and ignored everything else we post), they’d already be here.
Lmao are Nazis going to show up at Ansarallah rallies too because the burning Zionist rag makes them feel welcome? This is just pure stupidity and you are echoing Zionist arguments. Your “go outside” and “logout” and “touch grass” shit isn’t an argument it’s an admission that you know you are wrong and repeating Alan Dershowitz’s argument on why we can’t say “from the river to sea”. You don’t want to make the full throated argument that burning Zionist rags are anti-Semitic because you know you will sound like CNN so you resort to this petty meta-insulting
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So does it matter or not? If its not a big deal, who cares
It’s really hard to believe that this will be the “last straw” as it was so blatant, obvious, and out in the open. I’m hoping that Bushnell’s last protest will be the catalyst that invigorates the people in the core to stop this massacre.
Events like this, and the events of the past 5 months, have made it blatantly and obviously clear. Where you no longer have to be an esoteric scholar of Israel-Palestine, since you can just read and see the news and events in live action and in the moment. This was never about security. Nor about Hamas. This was about seizing the opportunity to extinguish Palestinian life in Gaza, and eventually in the West Bank.
South Africa, Bushnell, and those who stood up and marched against Israel and for Palestine. Against genocide. It wasn’t for nothing.
since you can just read and see the news
Here in Brazil the largest news outlet’s headlines read as follows: Confusion leads to a hundred deaths in Gaza; Food distribution leads to a hundred deaths, Hamas accuses Israel; Number of dead in Gaza surpassses 30k, according to Hamas.
Weird how they all just died out of nowhere.
That pesky “food distribution”
Killed almost as much as “blast”
Me brainstorming how many times I can fit Hamas into the headline
several living beings stop breathing in the gaza strip, radical islamist terrorist group hamas claims
Now the libs are saying it was the truck drivers panicking because the crowd started a riot.
There will be no last straw. The lines have been drawn
This is literally how fox news ran the story word for word, lib and chud media are equally complicit in this genocide
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this reminds me of an incredible SLAMMER image, I’ll include the setup:
Here’s how the NYT describes it. “Many” is doing a lot of evil heavy lifting.
The Palestinian news agency reported that Israeli tanks had fired at thousands waiting for aid. Israeli officials said Gazans were trampled and run over by aid trucks.
Lol the MSM is incapable of mentioning Palestinians in a massacre in the same sentence. It’s one or the other.
Even NYT couldn’t do their signature “Palestinians die mysteriously for no apparent reason” entirely this time
They still managed their passive voices in the headline though.
MSM where I live are reporting the controversy, ie. “Palestine says Massacre, ‘Israel’ says tragedy” and sprinkling it heavily with the usual “Hamas-controlled health authorities” and such. They have some decent stuff inside the articles, like saying that Gazan health authority numbers are usually correct, but if you just read headlines you could easily think it was all just a bunch of accusations.
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Writers also don’t typically get to pick their own headlines.
The Guardian’s (now edited) headline was: “Middle East crisis live: Hamas warns it could end hostage talks after more than 100 Palestinians killed near aid trucks”
Because when israel slaughters hundreds of Palestinians they are intentionally starving, journalistic integrity requires that you obscure who did the killing or why thousands of Palestinans were so desperate for aid. The readers need to know that what’s important is how Hamas(!!!) might react, of course, with the implication that Hamas would no longer be receptive to a hostage deal (even though the deals they’ve offered to israel have always been rejected).
“Consciousness ceded in a dynamically calorie restricted situation”
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It’s wild how the media uses a word like that in at least three different ways. The Gaza war really brings this out to an insane degree.
It’s used in a biased way to show the bararity of Hamas and the damage (or “scars” - figurative of course) inflicted on Israel. “On October 7, 2023, a day forever etched in the collective memory of Israel, an unspeakable tragedy unfolded, leaving a deep scar on the nation…”
It can be used in a neutral way.
It can be used to mean an unfortunate oopsie was made by Israel and they are so sorry about it.
I got the idea for this comment from this quote.
People uttered so, in a slight flatting of tone, means white people. Uttered another way, it means black. A third way means people in general.
- “Love in the Ruins (1971)” by Walker Percy
WaPo right now:
Chaotic aid delivery turns deadly as Israeli, Gazan officials trade blame
Whoops no idea how that happened, each side blames the other, who’s to know the truth???
In the spoiler text below, there is a comment from Ben-Gvir about this, per Al-Jazeera. I’m putting it in spoiler text because it’s horrific and will probably make you very angry. Death to Israel.
Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says the provision of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza endangers Israeli soldiers and must stop after more than 100 Palestinians were reported killed while trying to get aid in Gaza City.
“Today it was proven that the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza is not only madness while our hostages are held in the Strip … but also endangers IDF soldiers,” Ben-Gvir said, calling the deliveries “oxygen to Hamas”.
The incident is “another clear reason why we must stop transferring this aid”, he wrote on X.
It’s not a genocide but also any aid going to the people is bad.
Real “look what you made me do” energy.
“Today it was proven that the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza is not only madness while our hostages are held in the Strip … but also endangers IDF soldiers,” Ben-Gvir said, calling the deliveries “oxygen to Hamas”.
But there’s no evidence of any IOF being killed or even harmed?
I need more 🔻🔻🔻today
Rewriting Lois Lowry’s famous book about a kid who is forced to inherit memories but they’re all memories of colonial violence. It’ll be called The Givr.
All my energy to not
right now. Zionists get the
Zionazis downplaying it already -
Gaza aid-distribution deaths a ‘tragedy’: Israeli official
An Israeli government spokesperson has described the Palestinian casualties during aid distribution near Gaza City as a “tragedy” and claimed initial indications were that deaths were caused by delivery drivers ploughing into a crowd.
“At some point the trucks were overwhelmed and the people driving the trucks, which were Gazan civilian drivers, ploughed into the crowds of people, ultimately killing, my understanding is, tens of people,” spokesperson Avi Hyman told reporters.
“It’s obviously a tragedy but we’re not sure of the specifics quite yet.”
Separately, the Times of Israel reported that an initial army probe suggested Israeli gunfire caused only some 10 casualties out of the hundreds of people allegedly hurt and killed.
When the scale of the killing was uncovered, they began reporting the crowd “threatened” the IDF soldiers by moving towards them. So the IDF opened fire.
It’ll keep getting twisted. Soon they’ll say there was Hamas operatives among the people.
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LITERALLY setting up a trap to ensnare Gazans so they have a killzone. Death to Isn’treal