Hang out. Chat. Talk about what’s going on. Have fun :3

  • Kuori [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    barring any last minute catastrophes your girl will FINALLY be leaving florida behind! it has taken me so many years but that doesn’t matter now because it’s finally fucking happeniiiiiing bridget-vibe

  • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    I’m kind of fuming this morning because there’s some anti trans child talk being held at my uni tomorrow. Were an extremely mid school in a rural area, so I thought we might get a break from this shit. But apparently not.

    It’s hosted by some Christian debate lord group. The talk has the phrase “the philosophy of gender” in the title, so the philosophy department freaked out and sent out a very PC email reiterating that this was not sponsored by them. They also said we could talk to a philosophy faculty member if we feel sad I guess? They’re all too happy to do ridiculous pronoun circles in their classes, but when actually bigotry shows up all they do is talk about their feelings.

    Idk whatever, I need to just ignore and not care about this. I lack the precondition for action against these people, which is being organized with others. I do hope somebody like pulls the fire alarm or something, but it won’t be me.

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    This week been not so good at my main gig gonna have a vent;

    CW: transphobia, sexism, racism, ableism, misgendering etc at work


    My voice doesn’t pass on its own but in context with me it typically does since I’ve got a full beard and try to act all masc and such. So there I was at work at my main gig as a cashier with some poor rando teen and some chud was whining since the line long like a snake in Nibbles about to lose, and apparently he clocked me, so he started ranting that young girls these days lack any work ethic and began on some sexist , ableist and transphobic rant about young women these days being all mentally ill, the poor teen as being pierced and therefore forever unattractive and me as bearded. A bit later I rung him and his bigoted wife up and they tried to start shit and be hostile, but I played my extra thick and friendly cashier ploy that works 99.99% of the time with such sorts and it threw them off, I had to card him for some reason and I wanted to say ‘son I’m fuckin 35, young girl? I’m older than you’ Also had a bunch of elderly customers clock me, usually they don’t and they just spammed misgendering to get a rise, you could see it in their eyes, again the whole thick cashier bit throws them off and the evil sparkle of delight go bye bye but not the frothingfash and sometimes they fume out the door. Usually I just get a lot of racism ‘oh we’re hiring illegals now’ and people speaking the worst Spanish one can imagine. This week I must have critrolled failed something and am getting a little of everything. Can’t wait to start that voice therapy session in a few weeks, maybe help somewhat with this.

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
      4 months ago

      Fuck everything about that. You’re far kinder than I would’ve been. I would’ve been fired on the spot if I were in your shoes. Maybe arrested idk.

      • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
        4 months ago

        They’re going to arrest me for the crime of existing as too many minorities in Murikkka at their leisure, I don’t need to give them yet another excuse.