Joe Exotic posts on instagram that his husband was deported by ICE after years of shilling for Donald Trump.
Remember how last time Trump won he ordered a chauffeur to pull up to the prison because he was sure Trump would pardon him? This guys loves the leopard buffet.
Hahaha, you think a gay dude’s getting one of Trump’s golden tickets for US citizenship? I mean come on, has he even raped any women? Remember, trans ones don’t count!
i absolutely hate this, and at the same time, you’re entirely on point here. it’s beginning to feel a lot like sex crimes are a rite of passage to the new regime, bonus points if it’s a hate crime directed at a trans person
What do you mean “sex crimes”? There’s about to be no such thing by the end of the next 4 years. Women won’t be able to report crimes
I’m pretty certain they’ll still be able to report a crime, but it becomes selectively enforced and used to control people.
Or they encourage victims to speak up, then force them to marry their rapist and remove all agency from them in that marriage to prevent them from speaking about it again.
Or both.
Or something worse than all of the above.
I’m pretty certain they’ll still be able to report a crime
No, I bet they won’t be able to. Their husbands/fathers would be able to, but not them.
Remember, as recently as the 1970’s a woman would need permission from her husband or father for a line of credit or bank account.
Sex crimes happen to men, too.
I wasn’t talking about men, I was talking about women.
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t lowered the age of consent to 12 whilst accusing transpeople of being pedos at the same time somehow.
I’m reminded of a comment by a representative in West Virginia when they were considering raising the age of marriage to something less awful about how doing so would undermine their way of life
Jesus Christ, at this point when they tell on themselves I mostly just get scared because I realize there are fucking pedos everywhere.
Yeah I remember being furious about it. Like I’m generally pro teenagers doing whatever teenagers will do with each other so long as it’s consensual and they have proper sex ed. But people under the age of majority should not be marrying adults. It contains a crippling power dynamic and fucks them up
That’s exactly my stance.
If you have 5 million, surely you’d just use that to live in a different country?
I think trans ones count if you fuck em over instead of just merely fucking them…
Just saying, my bf wishes he could fuck me as hard as the US Government does
my bf wishes he could fuck me as hard as the US Government does
Brand new sentence
Hahaha, you think a gay dude’s getting one of Trump’s golden tickets for US citizenship?
Very possibly, if you can get him in the same room as Trump and he does a good enough job of brown nosing.
The Donald is a notorious queen, loves Broadway, loves gay culture and appropriates it with abandon, and would happily make a pageant of granting clemency to Joe Exotic’s husband if he was in his 2020 celebrity heyday rather than the dustbin of Netflix history.
I mean come on, has he even raped any women?
Given the guy’s history… I’m not counting it out.
I’ve never seen him partake in gay culture or appropriate it even
Pretty naked about it in his first term.
He was handed that flag at a rally. Holding a flag and participating in or appropriating a culture are wildly different things
He was handed that flag at a rally.
By a campaign staffer.
I mean come on, has he even raped any women? Remember, trans ones don’t count!
Does this mean trans-rape is 21st century lynching?
He’s gay and married to an immigrant and still voted trump? I knew magaheads were dense but this is neutron star level density!
still voted trump
He’s in prison isn’t he? He didn’t vote
Wait. I’m French so this made my brain fry.
In the US prisoners have their constitutional rights removed?
You have to remember that the US is an advanced, enlightened liberal democracy…. By the standards of the late 18th Century. They spent too much time fetishising their founders and never really grew up with the rest of the Western world.
Yup! In America convicted felons are not allowed to vote in federal elections and depending on the law of the state they are not allowed to vote in state or municipal elections either. As a result of these policies a disproportionate amount of black and Latino communities have had their right to vote stripped away.
Yup! In America convicted felons are not allowed to vote in federal elections
Joe Exotic should just get elected as president. For whatever reason that’s OK.
He was on the ballot in Oklahoma once or twice on the Libertarian party ticket.
I checked it out and about 4.4 million US citizens cannot vote (excluding the real 51st state: Puerto-Rico) including 1/19 blacks. That’s crazy, it’s as if the country is setup for a one party system from the get go. You don’t need huge prisoner cohorts to make the 3% difference needed for you to remain in power while maintaining an illusion of democracy.
This was by design and started shortly after the civil war. During reconstruction when the South was effectively occupied there was a decade or so where it looked like black people might actually enjoy some enfranchisement. But then the dirty compromise happened and Jim Crow took over. Suddenly black people were going to jail for the most minor infractions, and if they couldn’t get them to break the law, they just lied and said they did anyway.
German here.
Amazing, right? I found out a few years ago. Between this, gerrymandering and 2 right parties, that hasnt been a democracy for a long time.
You have to understand that it’s impressive we got as democratic as we are. Our democracy began with caususes of landowning white men above the age of 21. We were in many ways modeled after the Roman republic, which was also a clusterfuck
Looking how it’s going worldwide I should be impressed it lasted as long as it did.
So… Does this mean the current sitting American president couldn’t vote in the last election?
He was convicted in a state court, not a federal court, so the rules are a bit different.
Additionally, elections are administered at the state level, rather than federally, so his home state of Florida makes the rules allowing or disallowing his vote.
CNN wrote a piece about it on election day.
It’s a matter of state law, as most election stuff is. Trump could vote because he’s a resident of Florida and Florida only bars people convicted of felonies in Florida from voting, and only then until they have fully completed the punishment laid upon them (meaning both any custodial sentence and any fines). Trump was convicted of felonies in New York, so Florida doesn’t care and Trump could vote.
EDIT: I was incorrect regarding Florida law. Florida also bans people convicted of crimes from voting in Florida if the state where they were convicted would prevent them from voting. This doesn’t impact Trump because New York does not do this.
And now Trump has been sentenced, and the sentence is… Nothing. So Trump has completed all parts of his sentence, and can enjoy restored voting rights in many states on that basis as well.
Not exactly. In Florida with a felony conviction from another state you can’t vote if the conviction prevents you from voting in the state where convicted. So the NY rules apply because It’s a NY conviction.
they are also legally slaves! the 13th amendment didn’t remove slavery completely:
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Citizens in the US don’t have a constitutional right to vote. States are granted electors based (roughly) on their population that can vote and are given broad authority in how to determine how these electors are selected. Technically a state could decide how to vote based on drawing names out of a hat.
While the original text neglected to specifically outline the right to vote (other than saying the states were responsible for running elections), there are six amendments to the constitution expanding and clarifying the right to vote. One of these amendments is that senators must be elected by popular vote – not out of a hat.
As far as your point about electors, that’s just for the presidential election. Most elections you vote directly for the people running for office. Sometimes you even get to directly vote on policy matters (propositions or referendums).
Yes, I was referring specifically to presidential elections and the electoral college.
you should look at America’s use of prison (slave) labor, if you haven’t already
Listen. In the us, …. Well…
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
-13th Amendment almost abolishing slavery.
In my state, we still have slavery if you’re in prison
Oh it’s worse than that.
This is maybe not well known outside the US - the US Constitution specifically carves out an exception in the 13th amendment - the amendment which made slavery illegal* in the US - which allows convicted criminals to be used as slaves.
We also have in our fifth amendment that anyone can be deprived of their right to life, liberty or property via the due process of the law.
So, via these two aspects of these amendments, you can technically be deprived of any rights you might hold once you are convicted of a crime and placed in prison. Of course, that is not exactly true. You do still have rights and many lawyers make it their livelihoods to try to secure prisoners their rights. At the same time, though, it’s really not much consolation, since we still absolutely do use prisoners as slave labor, and constantly overlook the unjust abuse and killing of prisoners.
* While Illegal on paper, slavery was still carried out for a century after. Emancipation happened in 1863, 13th amendment in 1865, but there were still cases of privately owned slaves as recently as 1963
It’s called freedom.
In America, the politicians choose who can vote for them.
Yeah, in theory just most of them. But in practice, even the ones specifically meant for prisoners like the barring of cruel and unusual punishment don’t really apply to prisoners. Hell, theres a specific exception for prisoners in the “no more slavery” amendment.
Voting rights cannot be stripped by race, gender (we’ll see if that sticks in regards to trans people), or landowner status. But if felons can vote and when/if they lose/regain their sufferage is determined state by state. In some states if you’ve ever been convicted of a felony you can never vote again.
In case you’re wondering, yes, this is a contributor to our racial disparity in prisons.
voted trump/supports trump, same thing
“BuT i’M oNe Of ThE gOoD oNeS!”
There’s going to be so many fat leopards.
I don’t think Joe can vote from prison.
In some states you can’t vote once you leave it either, for felonies. States like Missouri or Mississippi require extra steps like a pardon to get your voting rights back
Leopards Ate My Husband
Big cats ate them face
It’s an older meme, but it checks out.
I can definetely still hear this one!
i thought a tiger would eat his face, but eventually turned out to be a leopard
Why would Carol Baskin do this?
Joe Exotic really seems to be leaning into leopards these days.
Wait he’s actually gay? I never knew that
How do you deport a husband anyway, doesn’t marriage guarantee citizenship?
doesn’t marriage guarantee citizenship?
Not really in practice. There are other stories of spouses married to US citizens and being the parent to US babies. These guys are literally ripping families apart. They did it the first time and they are doing it now.
There is a ‘path’ but the hoops you would have to jump through mean you’ll self deport and be away from your family for a very long time(by design). The immigration system is backed up after all. Plus what ever stable job you had will be gone after the
months toyears long wait.Even 20+ years ago, it was a struggle. I had a boss who had married someone from Guatemala (I think, or maybe Peru? it’s been a decade since I talked to him) while he was in the military overseas, and ended up having a child with her. When he came back, it took TWO YEARS, the wife and child left behind in south america the entire time, to get them approved to come and live back in the states.
edit: 20+ years ago, not 15. I forgot how long it had been since I worked for him.
You cannot change your status if you weren’t “inspected on arrival” (have a visa) and you’re banned from re-entering the country to be “inspected” for a decade after you leave. So if you overstay your visa you could change to permanent residence since you were “inspected” but if you never had a visa in the first place there’s no pathway to legal residence even if you’re married to an American citizen and have American citizen children.
Did you not watch the show? It was a major focal point
Considering reality TV was, is, and will continue to be nothing worth anyone’s time, no.
All I knew was that he used to be married to some chick named Carol Baskin, but she tried to kill him or something? Telephone games played via pop culture osmosis in which I’m only half-listening.
It was during like the hardest of the hardcore lockdown period of Covid. Everyone was bored with absolutely nothing to do. Were it not for that, I probably wouldn’t have watched either. Having said that, it’s a fun time. Shit’s wild af. Carol wasn’t his wife, but more like a rival, and he tried to have her killed. He also accused her of murdering her husband who went missing, his boyfriend accidentally kills himself halfway through. It’s a helluva ride.
“Service guarantees citizenship.”
Yeah turns out being an absolute maniac isn’t reserved for straight people
I doubt that Joe Exotic has been married at any time in 2025
It seems they were not married as of 1st November 2024
Fine, but they can refer to each other as husbands if they like
Well, yeah, but I believe the implication is that if they were legally married then Exotic’s husband should be a US citizen and shouldn’t have been deported.
should be a US citizen
No? You can marry foreign nationals in the US I’d hope
Other way around. A US citizen marrying a foreign national grants the foreign national a path towards citizenship.
After looking further into it, however, it’s not an immediate thing. It seems to take 3 years before you can apply for citizenship, and of course you need to remain in the country legally for those 3 years.
A “path” towards citizenship is vague and doesn’t really matter in this new world. ICE has been rounding up noncitizens that are married to us citizens. This has been happening and will continue. This link isn’t even the story I first thought of when I was typing this reply.
But there’s also the assumption that one wants US citizenship which often means giving up any other citizenship you have
I think that even if they were legally married, there are instances where they can still be deported. If the person went into or stayed in America “illegally”, they can be deported regardless of marriage status.
That’s bullshit. The government shouldn’t be deporting people for refusing to participate in their system of regulating love. Just let people live where they want.
One can comment on the reality of laws without believing they’re moral.
Exotic didn’t mention legal marriage. Why’s everyone making it about that?
It was ambiguous.
Note that might have legal consequences: if they expressed that in a court session it might be considered perjury or contempt of court. In general, people don’t like being mislead, so using sentences that are easy to misinterpret when you could have used a more straightforward sentence will probably lead to trouble.
Some consequences of “represent[ing] to others that the parties are married” can be considered quite negative:
Perhaps they weren’t legally married but had some kinda tiger ceremony followed by a sweaty handshake…
Marriage isn’t a legal construct. The government doesn’t have the right to own people’s relationships. They can say they do, it doesn’t make it true.
Sorry guys, I agree with this take. The tricky part is the legal stuff tied to “single” or “married”, etc but we shouldn’t have distinguished based on that anyway.
Traditionally marriage is about property rights, for the spouses and children. As such it was effectively a contract, and this is very much in what the government is for, since they will be the ones enforcing the contract if the parties disagree.
In the modern USA especially, a whole package of benefits is tied to being married, from health care to pensions and so on. Again, the government literally must be involved.
All of this is probably the main reason that people pushed so hard for gay marriage. Not having access to all of that was real discrimination.
I would love for marriage to move from being a special thing to being like any other contract, but it would take decades of work to begin to untangle it from the current model.
Then we should just get rid of it
The amount of religious Americans does keep falling. That is probably the biggest hurdle to getting rid of state involvement in marriage. But you’re looking at probably 50 or 100 years before enough people stop believing in Christianity for this to be possible.
Well, assuming any kind of democratic government. If some authoritarian takes over, then what the people want won’t matter. Although it’s looking more like a Christo-Fascist state than anything else…
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. Zero sympathy.
This is my favourite one so far. Fuck Joe Exotic.
These people never seem to realize that maybe he was the baddie after all and instead try leaning into it even harder in some attempt to appease him. It’s frustrating how frequently this happens. are they the baddies?